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Work/Life Balance

FCA recognizes the importance of helping its employees balance their work and personal lives. That’s why we have implemented a variety of policies and programs that help employees manage stress, stay healthy, save money, and spend more time with their families.

  • FCA Alternative Work Schedules
    FCA employees are not restricted to the traditional eight-hours-per-day, 40-hours-per-week work schedule. Hours per day and starting/quitting times each day may vary. In some cases, employees may be permitted to work fewer than 10 days in a two-week period.
  • FCA Telework Program
    Employees, with their supervisors’ approval, may work away from the job site, generally at home. The amount of work performed while telecommuting will generally depend on the characteristics of a task or project, the scheduling arrangement, and other variables.
  • Business Casual Dress
    Business casual dress is a year-round policy at FCA.
  • Free Parking
    Free parking is available at all offices.
  • Public Transportation Subsidy
    FCA employees who use public transportation to commute to work may receive a monthly benefit of up to $100 for expenses of buses, subways, trains, and eligible commuter highway vehicles (including van pools).
  • Travel Compensation Program
    For every night that an employee is on official travel more than 50 nights during the given calendar year, the employee receives $50 in travel compensation.
  • FCA Child Care Subsidy
    FCA full-time permanent employees whose adjusted gross family income is $60,000 or less per year and who meet certain eligibility requirements may receive the child care subsidy.
  • FCA Student Loan Repayment
    FCA employees may be eligible for up to $9,000 for student loans authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and the Public Health Service Act.
  • Flexible Spending Accounts
    Flexible spending accounts allow employees to pay out-of-pocket health and dependent care expenses with tax-free dollars. FCA contributes up to $1,300 to the account of each employee.
  • FCA Life Cycle Spending Account
    A Life Cycle Spending Account helps employees save money for adoption, child care, elder care, fitness/recreation, or insurance premiums not reimbursed under another program or insurance policy. FCA contributes $400 to each employee’s account.
  • FCA Fitness Facility and Classes, Wellness Seminars
    The McLean, Virginia, headquarters building has a fitness center that may be used by employees at no cost. FCA also subsidizes exercise classes that are held in the fitness center during lunchtime, and sponsors Lunch and Learn seminars on a variety of health-related topics. CPR, first aid, and defibrillator training courses are also offered.
  • FCA Employee Assistance Program
    This program provides confidential services, including counseling and referrals, to employees who are experiencing personal problems. It also provides a referral service for employees who have questions on topics such as child or elder care, financial planning, and legal services.
  • FCA Relocation Services
    Financial assistance is given to employees who change locations for the Agency because of new or changing job responsibilities.