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Tour of the GSA Administrator's Historic Office

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Posted December 19, 2006

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit the GSA Administrator in her elegant office in Washington, DC.  But, thanks to video technology, anyone with an interest in architecture and history can view some of the historic details of this grand and impressive workspace without leaving his or her desk.

With the exception of the Old Post Office on Pennsylvania Avenue, the GSA Building predates the monumental government buildings of the Federal Triangle by several decades. It was constructed originally to house the U.S. Department of the Interior and was first occupied by Interior Secretary Franklin K. Lane on June 21, 1917.

GSA’s connection to the building began in 1949, when President Truman appointed General Jesse Larson as GSA’s first Administrator—and the first GSA occupant of the suite.

Thanks to careful stewardship, the “Secretary’s Suite” looks much the same today as it did when Secretary Lane first walked through its carved, oak-paneled doors some 90 years ago. In addition to the architectural details, Administrator Doan also mentions some of the milestones in American history that are connected to this space. 

The video tour lasts approximately six and a half minutes.

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