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Success Story: José O’Shea’s — Café and Cantina

Partner Information

Located in Lakewood, Colorado
Annual Cash Savings: $11,000
Annual kWh savings: 157,143 kWh
Prevented 195,486 pounds of CO2 annually

José O’Shea (of Bottom Line Management) is a Mexican style restaurant located in the beautiful rolling hills of Lakewood Colorado. José O’Shea’s unique setting of courtyards and balconies not only supply the perfect ambiance for authentic Mexican dining, but thanks to a recent energy efficiency upgrade, an environmentally friendly and physically comfortable dining experience.

José O’Shea General Manager Jim Burns, a longtime believer in energy efficiency, decided to engage in an upgrade project to reduce operating costs, prevent air pollution, and improve restaurant comfort — all the while maintaining the authentic aesthetic beauty of José O’Shea’s. Some would say this to be a difficult task, but it didn’t sway Jim Burns, who proved it could be done through an intelligent and comprehensive energy efficiency upgrade.

Seeing is Believing

José O’Shea’s energy project involved upgrading the existing lighting system with new and efficient compact flourescent lamps, T8’s, high pressure sodium and LED exit signs. This state-of-the-art lighting scheme not only helps José O’Shea customers see better and feel comfortable, but also provides employees with a pleasurable work environment and a kind of psychological warmth — and does so while reducing the electric bill.

More Good News!

Lighting is not the only area that General Manager Jim Burns decided to approach, in fact the upgrade to José O’Shea’s also included the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system, as well refrigeration improvements and new insulation.

Enjoy The Desserts

Today José O’Shea’s is not only a great place to enjoy exceptional Mexican food, but thanks to energy efficiency improvements, an environmentally aware restaurant doing its part to protect the earth for future generations. And to top it all off José O’Shea’s is saving 12 % a year on their electric bill — equating to a little over $11,000 a year. Now that can buy a lot of fajitas!