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Listed in Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and over 50 other international indexing and abstracting services!
Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy
advances in acute, chronic, and end-of-life pain and symptom control
Editor: Arthur G. Lipman, PharmD, FASHP
Professor of Pharmacotherapy, College of Pharmacy; Adjunct Professor of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine;
Director of Clinical Pharmacology, Pain Management Center; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
News Awards Received
ISSN: 1536-0288
EISSN: 1536-0539
SKU: J354
$84.00 $123.00 $129.00
 Institution / Agency / Library
$580.00 $833.00 $887.00
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Cutting-edge research and treatment options for chronic pain!

The Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, quarterly publication that addresses advances in acute, chronic, and end-of-life symptom management. It is published both in print and electronically (online). Readers in environments that have institutional subscriptions have access to full text of each issue online.

The Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy is included in Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, and more than 50 other international abstracting & indexing services. Inside you’ll find original research, timely review articles, case reports, commentaries, book and media reviews, and articles on efficacy, safety, cost-effectiveness, availability, delivery systems, ethics, policy, philosophy, and other issues relevant to pharmacotherapy in the management of acute, chronic, and end-of-life pain and related symptoms. Readers are invited to submit letters to the Editor for publication consideration. The journal’s interdisciplinary, international, 32-member Editorial Board includes leading clinicians, investigators and analysts from the disciplines of bioethics, medicine, nursing, pharmaceutical sciences, psychology, social work, and health care policy.

In addition to articles, reports, cases, commentaries, and information about pain management and palliative care meetings and symposia around the world, the Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy presents regular features including:
  • “Evidence-Based Pain & Palliative Care,” coordinated by Phillip Wiffen, MSC, MRPS, MFPHM (hon), Oxford Regional Pain Relief Unit and the U.K. Cochrane Center
  • “Outcomes and Economics in Pain & Palliative Care,” coordinated by Gary M. Oderda, PharmD, MPH,, Pharmacotherapy Outcomes Research Center, University of Utah
  • “Pain and Palliative Care Information for Patients,” coordinated by Scott Fishman, MD, University of California at Davis
  • “Pain and Palliative Care Pearls,” coordinated by Perry Fine, MD, University of Utah and Vice President for Medical Affairs, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
  • “Pain and Palliative Care Web Sites,” coordinated by Jonathan Gavrin MD, University of Pennsylvania
  • “Questions and Answers about Hospice and Palliative Care,” coordinated by William Lamers, Jr, MD, Medical Advisor, National Hospice Foundation
  • “Perspectives from the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Pain & Palliative Care Practice & Research Network,” coordinated by Kenneth Jackson, PharmD, University of Utah
  • “European Pain & Palliative Care Perspectives,” coordinated by Elon Eisenberg, MD, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Faculty of Medicine and Rambam Medical Centre Pain Relief Unit in Haifa, Israel
  • “Legal and Regulatory Issues in Pain & Palliative Care,” coordinated by David B. Brushwood, BS Pharm, JD, University of Florida
  • “Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy Literature Summaries and Analyses,” coordinated by Amy Abernathy, MD, Duke University Medical Center
  • “Artistic Expressions of Pain from PainExhibit.com,” coordinated by Mark Collen, BS, creator and coordinator of PainExhibit.com
The editor of the Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy is Arthur G. Lipman, PharmD. Dr. Lipman has been an investigator and practitioner in pain and palliative care for over 30 years. He has served on and chaired federal and professional society evidence-based pain management guideline panels, been a consultant to the NIH and FDA, and was an investigator on the first study of hospice care in the United States while he was a faculty member at the Yale University School of Medicine in the 1970s. He welcomes inquiries about the journal and submission of manuscripts for publication consideration. He can be reached via e-mail at arthur.lipman@hsc.utah.edu.
Product Details:
ISSN: 1536-0288 Electronic - ISSN: 1536-0539 SKU: J354v22
Current Volume:
Volume 22, No. 1—Spring 2008.
Volume 23, No. 1—Spring 2009. Quarterly (4 issues per volume).

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