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Emergency Relief Manual


Appendix A
Sample State Letter Of Intent

TO: _________________________________________, Division Administrator
Federal Highway Administration
FROM: _______________________________________________________________
Administrator and State Transportation Engineer
SUBJECT:   Severe Flooding in [State]
March 23, 1997

Dear ------------------------------

Under provisions of Title 23, U.S.C., Section 125, this is notice of intent by the [State] Department of Transportation to request emergency relief funds to assist in the cost of repairing damages on the Federal-aid highways in [State] caused by the extreme runoff and flooding following the storm beginning March 23, 1997.

Attached is a copy of the Declaration by Governor _____________ of a State of Disaster in [State] on March 24, 1997.

Preliminary estimates of the damages sustained to the Federal-aid highways will be forwarded within a few days when assembled.

We are proceeding expeditiously to maintain two-way traffic at all locations and to repair those sections sufficiently to protect facilities from further damage.

Yours Sincerely



Appendix B
Sample FHWA Acknowledgement Letter

State Department of Transportation

Dear (name):

This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter of intent, dated (date), to request Emergency Relief Funds, authorized under 125 of Title 23, U.S.C., for the repair of damage to Federal-aid highways resulting from the (disturbance) of (date).

You should proceed with performance of emergency operations, including emergency repairs, on the Federal-aid highways necessary to restore essential traffic, to protect the remaining facilities, and to reduce the extent of damage. Also, you may proceed with preliminary engineering, meaning surveys, design, and preparation of construction plans, to perform the permanent restoration work required as an associated part of the emergency operations, and to use State forces and/or negotiated equipment rental contracts as necessary to perform the work.

The eligibility of such work for ER funds will be contingent upon a favorable finding by the FHWA Division Administrator on the eligibility of the disaster and subsequent approval of the work by FHWA.

The basis for the Division Administrator's decision will be the Damage Survey Summary Report, which must be submitted to this office. The DSSR, among other requirements, must include estimates of cost to repair and reconstruct the damaged Federal-aid highways.

My office will be meeting [has met] with members of your staff to make arrangements for reviewing the disaster damage and assisting in preparing the Damage Survey Summary Report and site damage reports. The Damage Survey Summary Report is to be submitted within --- weeks, if possible. If additional time is required, please advise, including the reasons why the extra time is necessary.

If FHWA concurs in the disaster, all emergency work must be included in a program of emergency repair projects. The program, when submitted for approval, shall include a detailed outline of the necessary emergency operations performed and a description of the permanent restoration work proposed. Permanent restoration work other than that performed as an associated part of the emergency operations, shall not be performed prior to program approval and authorization by this office.

Sufficient record keeping must be done to permit audit of costs on a site-by-site basis.

Sincerely yours, (Division Administrator)

Appendix C
Sample Governor's Proclamation

Floods and rapid runoff, commencing on (date), were experienced throughout the following counties in (State) as a result of extremely heavy rains: (list of counties). The flooding and associated runoff have produced serious and extensive damage to both private and public property. As a consequence, this State has sustained severe damage to its road systems, which include bridges, roadbeds, and other facilities. Damage occurred on Federal-aid highways.

Damage throughout the (general location) part of the State has been of such an extent that immediate repairs have been necessary. Such conditions constitute an emergency as is contemplated by the terms of Sections 125 and 120(e) of Title 23, U.S.C.

Therefore, I (name), Governor of the State of (State) do hereby proclaim an emergency to exist throughout the (general location) part of the State as a result of flooding and runoff conditions and consequent danger to life and damage to property including Federal-aid highways. The immediate repair and reconstruction of the damaged highways is vital to the security, well-being, and health of the citizens of the State of (State); and the Federal Highway Division Administrator is hereby requested to concur in the declaration of this emergency.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the seal of the State of (State) to be affixed at (City), the (day) day of (month), A.D. (year).

Governor of (State)


Secretary of State

Appendix D
Detailed Damage Inspection Report Form

Detailed Damage Inspection Report Form (.pdf, 13 kb)
To view PDF files, you need the Acrobat® Reader®

Appendix E
Sample State Letter for Quick Release of ER Funds

FHWA Division Administrator

Dear (name):

We appreciate your timely acknowledge letter of    (date)   sent in response to our letter of intent dated   (date)   We are continuing to conduct necessary emergency operations and repairs to maintain traffic throughout the disaster area.

We are performing damage assessments throughout the area. At this time it is not possible to provide exact cost estimates; however, damage to Federal-aid highways is anticipated to exceed   ($)   . We expect to be able to provide a more accurate estimate (within "X" weeks) .

Our budget for emergencies is limited and local governments have even greater financial constraints with limited cash flows available to fund emergencies. Consequently, we are requesting approval of ER funding for this disaster with a quick release of emergency relief funds to allow us to proceed expeditiously with emergency repairs to Federal-aid highways.

We are requesting a quick release of   ($)   for these emergency repairs. Additional allocations will be requested as damage survey teams inventory damage.

Sincerely yours,

(State Department of Transportation Official) Date ------------------------

Appendix F
Sample State Letter Requesting ER Funds


FHWA Division Administrator

Subject: Heavy Rains and Flooding March 23-26, 1997

Dear ------------

Under the provisions of Title 23, U.S.C. Section 125, the (State) Department of Transportation is requesting Emergency Relief (ER)Funds to assist in the cost of repairing damages on Federal-aid highways in (State) damaged as a result of extreme runoff and flooding following the heavy rains beginning March 23, 1997. Based on the preliminary estimate of damage, we are requesting ($3) million in ER funds. Following a favorable determination of eligibility for ER funds by the Federal Highway Division Administrator, we will submit detailed damage inspection report with the scope of work and cost estimate for each site as a program of projects.


(State) DOT


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