Currency Converter
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  Currency per U.S. Dollar
Country/CurrencyLastChg%ChgLast Updated 
Brazilian Real2.32+0.0381+1.67%1/30/2009 
Canadian dollar1.24+0.0242+1.99%1/30/2009 
China Renminbi6.84UNCHUNCH1/30/2009 
European Union Euro0.78+0.0158+2.06%1/30/2009 
Indian Rupee48.88-0.1100-0.22%1/30/2009 
Japanese Yen89.81-0.1050-0.12%1/30/2009 
Mexico Peso14.37+0.1900+1.34%1/30/2009 
South Korean Won1,379.60+0.8500+0.06%1/30/2009 
Swiss Franc1.16+0.0155+1.35%1/30/2009 
United Kingdom Pound0.69-0.0046-0.65%1/30/2009 

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