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2007 Flux Estimate Home > Streamflow and Nutrient Delivery to the Gulf of Mexico

Streamflow and Nutrient Flux of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin and Subbasins for the Period of Record Through 2007

Streamflow and Nutrient Delivery to the Gulf of Mexico

Streamflow and nutrient delivery to the Gulf of Mexico are provided through water year 2007, which includes the period of record through September 2007. These nutrient delivery estimates are based on approved data and extends the information provided by Aulenbach and others (2007) for the period of record through water year 2005 and uses the same approach and methodologies. The streamflow and nutrient delivery provided here supercedes any previously posted preliminary streamflows and nutrient flux estimates. The preliminary estimates were made using information for part of the year and before streamflow records for that water year were finalized. More information on and access to the most recent preliminary nutrient delivery estimates are available.

Streamflow and Nutrient Flux

Monitoring Network, Methods, and Data Sources

Specific information on the data and methodology used from Aulenbach and others (2007).

Note that flux estimates on a monthly time-step can be quite inaccurate and should be used with caution. They are provided with the intent to allow the user to sum up nutrient fluxes on either a seasonal basis or an annual basis other than water year.


Aulenbach, B.T., Buxton, H.T., Battaglin, W.T., and Coupe R.H., 2007, Streamflow and nutrient fluxes of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin and subbasins for the period of record through 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1080

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2007 Flux Estimate Home > Streamflow and Nutrient Delivery to the Gulf of Mexico

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