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Interagency Committee for Aviation Policy (ICAP)

Patrick F. McConnell
(202) 501-2362
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Aircraft Management Policy

Federal agencies that own or hire aircraft are members of the ICAP, which GSA established in 1989 at the direction of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The ICAP advises GSA on making policy for federal aviation management.

Through the ICAP, GSA and federal agencies work together to identify and coordinate the policy views of the federal aviation community and to foster the safest, most efficient and effective federal aviation operations. GSA chairs and facilitates the committee, provides programs and tools to support aviation activities, and operates a management information system to collect and report data related to federal aviation management. The ICAP accomplishes its objectives through four subcommittees: Acquisition, Use, and Disposal Subcommittee, Communications Subcommittee, Management Data and Systems Subcommittee, and Safety Standards and Training Subcommittee.

Members of the ICAP:

Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Justice
Department of State
Department of the Interior
Department of the Treasury
Department of Transportation
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
General Services Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Science Foundation
Office of Management and Budget
Tennessee Valley Authority