U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
and Initiatives


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Office of tribal self-governance

Tribal Self-Governance Program: Planning and Negotiation Cooperative Agreements

The purpose of the Self-Governance Planning and Negotiation Cooperative Agreement program is to award funding for planning and negotiation activities to Tribes interested in participating in the Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP), as authorized by Title V the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Public Law (Pub. L.) 93-638, as amended.

The TSGP is designed to promote self-determination by enabling Tribes to assume more control of Indian Health Service (IHS) programs and services through compacts negotiated with the IHS.

The Planning Cooperative Agreement allows a Tribe to gather information to determine the current types and amounts of Programs, Services, Functions, and Activities (PSFAs), and funding available at the Service Unit, Area, and Headquarters levels and identify programmatic alternatives that will better meet the needs of Tribal members. Annually, up to 12 Planning Cooperatives Agreements are awarded in the amount of $50,000 each.

The Negotiation Cooperative Agreement provides Tribes with funds to help cover the expenses involved in preparing for and negotiating with the IHS and assists eligible Indian Tribes to prepare for Compacts and Funding Agreements (FAs). Annually, up to 12 Negotiation Cooperatives Agreements are awarded in the amount of $20,000 each.

When the application periods are open, announcements are available on-line at the Grants.gov website. As required by the Department of Health and Human Services, electronic submissions will be the preferred submission method. However, should any problems arise during the electronic submission, please contact Grants Policy Staff at (301) 443 6525 at least ten days prior to the application deadline.

Please do not wait until the Announcement and Application Kit are posted on Grants.gov website to register, particularly if you are new the electronic process. Please log onto Grants.gov to familiarize yourself with the website and begin the registration process.

Paper copies will be forwarded to each Area Office, Self-Governance Coordinator and Agency Lead Negotiators. You can also request a copy directly from the Office of Tribal Self Governance by calling 301-443-7821 and they will be shipped to you via Federal Express.

Go to the IHS Grants Management web-site for updates.

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852