Federal Aviation Administration

General Aviation Industry Awards Program

Updated: 1:09 pm ET July 31, 2008

About the Program

We’ve teamed up with industry sponsors to recognize outstanding aviation maintenance technicians, avionics technicians, and certified flight instructors through the General Aviation Industry Awards Program. Award recipients are nationally recognized and receive various awards from sponsors and contributors.

Organizations providing support and sponsorship for the awards program include:

Selection Process

The winning entry from each district is forwarded to the Region FAASTeam Manager and a regional awardee is selected. A national award recipient is selected from the regional award winners.


To be eligible for the award, you must be:

  • An active aviation maintenance technician under FAR Part 65, actively employed by an aviation organization, or an active certified flight instructor under FAR Part 61, Part 141 or Part 142.
  • Operating within the United States
  • Aviation Safety Program (FAASTeam) Representative nominees do not have to be FAA Certificated pilots or AMT’s

To Apply

Send your application (PDF) to the FAASTeam Program Manager at the local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO).

For more safety information, visit the FAA Aviation Safety Program's website at www.FAASafety.gov.

1:09 pm ET July 31, 2008