First convened in December, 1995, the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy determined that the average student who graduates from high school lacks basic skills in the management of personal financial affairs. Many are unable to balance a checkbook and most simply have no insight into the basic survival principles involved with earning, spending, saving and investing.

Many young people fail in the management of their first consumer credit experience, establish bad financial management habits, and stumble through their lives learning by trial and error. The Coalition´s direct objective is to encourage curriculum enrichment to ensure that basic personal financial management skills are attained during the K-12 educational experience. The wheels of education do not need to be reinvented, they simply require balance.

April is Financial Literacy Month

On March 31, 2009, U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) introduced S. Res. 94, a resolution designating April 2009 as "Financial Literacy Month." The resolution was passed the same day by unanimous consent. The Jump$tart Coalition thanks and applauds Senator Akaka and the 21 co-sponsors of this resolution. The full resolution can be found in the downloads section of this website.

Financial Literacy Month Celebrations for 2009

Wisconsin State Jump$tart Coalition
  • Wisconsin First Lady Jessica Doyle and Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Cabinet Secretary, Lorrie Keating Heinemann, Honorary Chair and Chair, respectively, of Governor Doyle's Council on Financial Literacy, presented 2009 Governor's Financial Literacy Awards to six individuals and 10 organizations during a ceremony at Wisconsin's Executive Residence.

  • Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle issued a proclamation kicking off Money Smart Week Wisconsin (MSWW) 2009. The statewide financial literacy campaign will be held October 10-17 and be run in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Plans again call for hundreds of free educational events across the state. They again include lighting the state Capitol building in Madison green for the week. Last year more than 15,000 took part in MSWW activities.

  • Menominee Indian High School in Keshena and the Business and Economics Academy of Milwaukee hosted The Money ConferenceTM, a one-day event aimed at moderate- and low-income families. Five other communities will hold the event this year.

Jump$tart Honors Financial Literacy Leaders

U.S. Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-30-TX) was named Jump$tart's 2009 Federal Legislator of the Year at Jump$tart's Annual Awards Dinner, held April 1 at the Renaissance Washington, DC Hotel. The Jump$tart Coalition also recognized financial advisor and media personality Ric Edelman, who has emceed nearly every Jump$tart awards dinner in the organization's history and named the Tennessee Jump$tart Coalition its State Coalition of the Year. Dr. Barbara O'Neill, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, was presented with the William E. Odom Visionary Leadership Award. Her remarks can be found in the downloads section of this website.


Jump$tart's national partner organization, the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, presented an award to the national winner of its 2009 financial literacy poster contest to Leah Ellyson, an 11th grade student at North Marion High School in Farmington, West Virginia. Leah's award-winning art can be found in the downloads section of this website.

The Jump$tart Coalition thanks its event underwriter Capital One; its benefactors, Bank of America, HSBC-North America, Visa Inc., and Wells Fargo; and the many individuals and organizations that generously supported the evening.

Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill

Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill is scheduled for Thursday, April 30, 2009 in the Cannon House Office Building, Cannon Caucus Room. The event will run from 12:00 noon until about 3:30 p.m. It is free and open to the public. More than 50 exhibitors will display their financial literacy programs and materials. The program will include U.S. Rep. Rubén Hinojosa, U.S. Rep. Judy Biggert and U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka. Financial Literacy Day on Capitol Hill is presented by the Council for Economic Education, JA Worldwide, and the Jump$tart Coalition.

President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy
2008 Annual Report to the President

"On January 22, 2008, President George W. Bush signed an executive order creating, for the first time, a President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy. The charge was simple, yet daunting: improve financial literacy among all Americans. After an exciting year of work toward this goal, I believe we have made tremendous progress at laying the groundwork for a comprehensive effort to achieve this goal. I am pleased, on behalf of the Council, to present the first annual report to the President, which details the progress we made this year and outlines a series of recommendations for future initiatives that will help the country achieve the level of financial literacy that is imperative in today's global economy…"
Charles R. Schwab
Chairman, President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy
Founder, Chairman and CEO, the Charles Schwab Corporation
Please click here to view the full report.

The National Financial Literacy Challenge is a voluntary 35-question test that high school students can take to earn recognition for their financial knowledge. The National Financial Literacy Challenge is offered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury at the recommendation of the President's Advisory Council on Financial Literacy.

There is no plan to conduct the Challenge in spring 2009. For future updates and additional information about the challenge, please click here.

Teachers: If you have participated in the Challenge previously, you will automatically be notified when the next teacher registration begins. If you are a high school teacher who has not previously participated in the Challenge and would like to be placed on the teacher distribution list, please click here.

Jump$tart's aim is to identify high-quality personal finance materials for educational use. The Clearinghouse is a database of personal finance resources available from a variety of education providers such as government, business and non-profit organizations. Once you find a material of interest, you can order it directly from the source. Many of the materials are low cost or free of charge. Teachers often use these personal finance teaching materials to support their state's standards in economics, business, math and family and consumer science.

Jump$tart Coalition - 2009 Meeting/Events Schedule

Third Quarter Board Meeting
    Board Dinner, Wednesday, July 22
    Board Meeting, Thursday, July 23
    Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC. National Board Members only, please.

Fourth Quarter Board, Partner, and Committee Meetings
    General Partners Meeting, National Board Meeting, Committee Meetings, Friday, November 6 Capital Hilton, Washington, DC

  • All meetings will be held in the Washington, DC area. Precise locations will be announced prior to each meeting.

  • Partners with meeting space in the greater Washington, DC area are invited/encouraged to donate their meeting space and be recognized for their in-kind contribution.

  • Spotlight on Curriculum
    The NEFE High School
    Financial Planning Program®

    In less than two years, the NEFE High School Financial Planning Program has reached well over a million students in over fifty-thousand classrooms in every state in the country. The program has won two national awards for excellence and has received much praise from students and teachers alike.

    This seven-unit money management curriculum was created by sixty-five educators and financial professionals working with an educational developer noted for creating active-learning curricula. In the NEFE HSFPP, students will

    1. Create their personal financial plan
    2. Create their personal budget
    3. Propose a personal saving and investing plan
    4. Select strategies to use in handling credit and managing debt
    5. Demonstrate how to use various financial services
    6. Create a personal insurance plan that will minimize loss
    7. Examine how career choice and lifestyle will affect their financial plan.
    These seven core competencies are underpinned and supported by dozens of additional learning objectives and outcomes.

    The student-centered focus of the program provides learners with many opportunities to actually practice and perform the skills they are learning in a way that leads to positive behavior change.

    All of the materials of this program are provided to schools and organizations FREE of charge. These materials include instructor manuals for every teacher, student guides for every student, data CDs containing PowerPoint visuals and much more, access to separate Web sites for students, parents and educators, free teacher training in many states, and much more.

    • All materials FREE of charge (NEFE even pays for shipping)
    • Completely non-commercial
    • A methodology that has been shown in two national studies to create positive behavior change.
    • Materials available in Spanish
    • Eight online games
    • Teacher's guides with directions for the teacher, scoring rubrics, suggested class formats, supplementary materials, classroom activities, assessments, exercises, and more.
    Also, take advantage of NEFE's alliance with Junior Achievement in "JA Presents the NEFE High School Financial Planning Program" where a JA Volunteer can team with classroom instructors in presenting the program complete with additional value-added sessions created by the educational developers of JA.

    Over 6,500,000 copies of the NEFE High School Financial Planning Program have been sent to schools and organizations since the program's beginning in 1984. In addition to the rewards and recognition this program has received, authorized versions of the HSFPP have been created for use in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

    Visit the NEFE High School Financial Planning Program Portal:

    REALITY CHECK HAS MOVED! Here is the new URL:

    The 12 Principles Calendars for 2009 are now Out of Stock!

    Unfortunately, an overwhelming response to this offer has depleted the Jump$tart Coalition supply of 12 Principles calendars for this year. We're so glad you liked them! Remember, however, the calendar is still available as a PDF download. Please click on the link below to see a printable version of the calendar in a PDF format.

    Once again, thanks to Capital One for its support! It is appreciated.

    The Jump$tart Coalition® has developed twelve personal finance principles for young people to connect to their financial futures. This year, these practical, everyday ideas are sponsored by Capital One®. If followed, these principles can help students stay connected to their financial lives-start today!

      • If you would like to download a PDF version of the calendar, please click here.

      • Please click HERE if you would like to see lessons plans developed around the 12 Principles.

    Improving Education - CLICK HERE TO ORDER
    Merrill Lynch
    Support for the survey provided by the Merrill Lynch Foundation.

    Financial Literacy:
    Improving Education

    The positive turnaround in financial literacy scores that was first noted in the 2004 survey, continued-albeit slowly-in 2007. Beginning with an average score of 57.3 percent in 1997, scores fell to 51.9 percent in 2000 and 50.2 percent in 2002 before staging a rebound to 52.3 percent in 2004. In 2007, the mean score increased by a tenth of a percent to 52.4 percent. The increase is certainly not overwhelming but somewhat reassuring given that the gains of two years ago appear to be holding. On a more positive note, the proportion failing this exam (a score below 60 percent), decreased from 65.5 percent in 2004 to 62 percent in 2007.

    In his preface to the 2007 edition, Senator Michael B. Enzi (R-WY) added:

    A life of financial success and security begins with a strong education. Every generation of Americans is introduced to the realities of spending, saving and finance at a younger age than the last. Yet for many years, our nation's financial literacy has not kept pace. Many young people today take jobs with salaries far beyond what their parents earned. They also begin to live a lifestyle they believe fits that income, including cars, boats and luxury vacations. Many realize too late that what their parents have is the result of accumulation over years of hard work. The younger generation discovers their income cannot keep up with their spending, and they fall into debt. In the worst cases, these bad financial practices can eventually lead to broken marriages, families and futures.

    UpdateThe Coalition produces a quarterly newsletter called the "Jump$tart Update" designed to keep educators informed about personal finance education tools and concepts, sample lesson plans, upcoming events and the activities of the Coalition and member organizations.

    Receive a sample copy of the newsletter by calling (202) 466-8604.

    Order online by clicking here.

    The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy
    919 18th Street, N.W. Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006
    Phone: (888) 45-EDUCATE
    Fax: (202) 223-0321

    Copyright © 1997-2008 The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. All rights reserved.

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