TSWG: Technical Support Working Group

Vehicle Inspection Guide (VIG)

Vehicle Inspection Guide (VIG)

The Technical Support Working Group has updated the original Vehicle Inspection Checklist (VIC) now in use by thousands of military, federal, state, and local agencies as the new Vehicle Inspection Guide.  The new publication is intended for use by Law Enforcement, HAZMAT Teams, Bomb Squads, other emergency/public government service organizations, and other security forces which may be involved with inspection of vehicles that may pose a terrorist bomb threat.

The new Vehicle Inspection Guide (VIG) is a 5X7” spiral bound 184 page booklet printed on waterproof paper. It is intended  for determining various indicators of suspect hidden Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) on a range of vehicle types, recognition of typical representative IED types, and has a training section for recognition of explosives and IED types.   It is printed on waterproof paper, spiral bound, and suitable for field use.  It is sold by the Government Printing Office in packs of 5 books for $117. Single copies are not available. The GPO Stock number is 008-001-00184-3.

The updated VIG replaces the original 128 page VIC. New information and labeled graphics, much of which was suggested or requested by users of the highly successful VIC, make this new Vehicle Inspection Guide much more than an update. It offers guidelines in interviewing vehicle occupants and focusing attention on the "hot spots" of most types of personal and commercial vehicles on the road. A unique feature of the presentation is guidance to be just as aware of the absence of usual items as the presence of suspicious items in or on a vehicle or occupants before deciding what level of inspection to conduct. Supplemental information includes a section on weapons of mass destruction and an expanded section on explosive materials and devices.

The VIG is a restricted document/media available only to Federal, State, and local governments involved in security and counter-terrorism activities.  Contractors providing security services to these agencies may also procure the document.  All orders must first be confirmed by the Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) prior to being sent to the Government Printing Office (GPO).

To order this document, first send an e-mail request for quantity desired to pubs@tswg.gov, and include contact name, organization name, address, and telephone number.  Security contractors must also provide similar sponsoring government agency information. Confirmation of the order will be approved via e-mail with an approval number. The documents can then be ordered from GPO, as Stock Number 008-001-00184-3 accompanied by a copy of the confirmation e-mail and approval number, as follows:

Orders accompanied by the TSWG approval number may be placed via e-mail, fax, and mail. E-mail: orders@gpo.gov; Fax: (202) 512-2250 at any time; Mail: send to: Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-0001. All orders require prepayment, either by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, Discover/NOVUS, American Express or GPO Deposit Account.