TSWG: Technical Support Working Group

Advanced Vehicle/Driver Identification System

Advanced Vehicle/Driver Identification System

Designed to expedite the entry-point screening process, the upgraded version of the Advanced Vehicle/Driver Identification System (AVIDS) is a modular system that incorporates the use of biometrics to quickly differentiate between authorized and unauthorized personnel. In the Expeditionary Configuration that recently returned to Iraq, the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center incorporated several updates, including identifying individuals from only a single fingerprint for access control (no card required) and operating the system remotely at distances of up to 500 meters. Each AVIDS kit contains an Enrollment Center, two Entry Point Monitoring Stations, and a Data Replication Kit. Additional enhancements, including the ability to capture and transmit fingerprints during enrollment to the Biometric Fusion Center, are being developed and will be sent with units deployed in late 2005. AVIDS is licensed to Networld Exchange, Inc.; Stratech Industries, Ltd.; and Gatekeeper, Inc.