IHS Retention - Home
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
IHS Retention - It's the people you keep
Header image featuring the People Smart logo with a group photo of different branches and to the right a quote from Peter F Drucker - Management is doing things right: leadership is doing the right things.

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Indian Health Service Headquarters
The Reyes Building
801 Thompson Ave.
Rockville, MD 20852-1627


Recruiting qualified and dedicated health care professionals is only the first step in the process of successfully retaining health professional staff. The Indian Health Service (IHS) Office of Public Health Support (OPHS) is committed to supporting the growth of PeopleSmart, the IHS retention initiative that focuses on developing and supporting the retention of clinicians and other health professionals in Indian health programs.

The goal of PeopleSmart is to develop a culture of retention within the agency by raising awareness of the issue, defining steps to be taken at the national, Area and local levels, and providing tools for leadership to affect change.

This Web site is designed to provide Indian health leadership with tools and resources to support retention of IHS health care professionals. On this site, you'll find case studies of retention best practices, retention tools developed by IHS to assist in retention efforts, and other information resources on successful retention of health professional staff.

A crucial part of PeopleSmart involves the sharing of information and retention success stories among Indian health program leadership. We invite you to tell us about your own retention efforts and how they have succeeded. Please submit your stories on the Best Practices page.


Best Practices
Examples of successful retention initiatives.

IHS Retention Tools
Materials developed by IHS, specifically to aid CEOs, Clinical Directors (CD) and Managers in local retention efforts.

External Resources
Information on the successful retention efforts of other government agencies and external organizations, plus other helpful resources.

OPHS Vision Statement

The OPHS serves as a catalyst for building healthy AI/AN communities by providing critical public health support and national leadership to realize the mission and goals of IHS by:

  • Preventing and controlling disease in AI/AN communities.
  • Educating, recruiting and retaining health professionals to serve in Indian health care settings.
  • Improving program performance through effective planning, evaluation and research.
  • Measuring the health status of the AI/AN population and effectively advocating for their health care needs.

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852