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National Credit Union Administration




Internal Revenue Service Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

The below presentations and links includes information pertaining to the IRS VITA Program.  The “NCUA-IRS VITA Partnership Webcast” describes how credit unions can partner with coalitions and other organizations to provide free tax services for their members.  The “Establishing a VITA Site: How and Why,” video with accompanying PowerPoint presentation provides information pertaining to the VITA Program, VITA Grant Program (refer to application below), and a credit union best practice.  To obtain a copy of the “Establishing a VITA Site: How and Why” video, please e-mail your request to

Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies

On October 16, 2007, an Interagency Final Rule was passed implementing Sections 114 and 315 of the FACT Act of 2003, regarding Identity Theft Red Flags and Address Discrepancies Regulations.  The final rule sets forth guidelines for the creation and maintenance of an Identity Theft Prevention Program (Program) as required by section 114 of the FACT Act. The rule also provides guidelines for processing change-of-address requests for debit and credit card issuers. Collectively, these guidelines are referred to as the "Red Flag Regulations." Additionally, the rule sets out requirements related to address discrepancies in consumer reports. The mandatory compliance date for these rules and guidelines is November 1, 2008.  This narrated PowerPoint is intended to be a resource to federally insured credit unions in implementing the regulatory requirements.