U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
 IHS Area Offices

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Southern Colorado Ute Service Unit

southern colorado ute health center The Southern Colorado Ute Service Unit (SCUSU) provides ambulatory care services through two health centers at Towaoc and Ignacio, Colorado, and a field health station in White Mesa, Utah, in conjunction with a diverse contract health services program. SCUSU's service population has grown steadily over the years (to 4167 in 1990) with strong growth in utilization rates (21,701 ambulatory care visits in 1985 up to 30,767 in 1990).

Care includes medical, nursing, dental, optometry, nutrition, health education, community health nursing, mental health, social services, substance abuse, and environmental health services. General clinics are conducted according to a published schedule: well-child, chronic diseases, allergy, women's health, and podiatry. Pharmacy, Laboratory and Radiology services are all provided at each of the centers. The tribes offer Community Health Representative (CHR) programs funded by the IHS. Additional health care services, including in-patient and specialty care, are arranged via contracts with a variety of providers in neighboring areas.

Health Care Team
Clinical Psychologists
Dental Assistants
Dental Hygienists
Dental Officers
Environmental Health Staff
Health Educators
Medical Officers
Medical Records Staff
Medical Technologists
Mental Health Technicians
Radiology Technologists
Social Workers

The Southern Colorado Ute Service Unit serves the Southern Ute and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribes in an area that extends from desert plateau to the mountains and clear streams of the Rockies. The Ute Mountain Ute lands are dramatized by mesas and rock formations in a high, deeply sculpted landscape that extends down toward Shiprock. Mesa Verde to the north was the mysterious setttlement of the Anasazi, the Ancient Ones.

San Juan Drainage Basin The Southern Ute reservation includes the San Juan Drainage Basin, fed by seven rivers to create rich, fertile farmlands surrounded by spectacular mountains. Other Ute lands include flat, forested mesas to complete some of the most varies topography of any of the Albuquerque Area Service Units. Climate is temperate and semiarid in most places. Outdoors recreation possibilities abound in the Area (including skiing, hiking, mountain climbing, and water recreation at the deep blue Navajo Lake to the south).

Ignacio is 25 miles southeast of Durango, a major tourist center offering great restaurants and a surprising variety of cultural events for its size. Also close by is the smaller town of Bayfield. Towoac is 11 miles south of Cortez, Colorado. Most staff of the Servcie Unit live in these four towns.

With 275 average sunny days per year, it's easy to take advantage of the many recreation opportunities offered by the Southern Colorado Service Unit. Fishing, boating, camping, hunting, hiking and, of course, skiing--water, snow and cross-country--are all easily available. Nearby Durango provides a variety of entertainments and cultural events to round out the picture.

Contact Information
Southern Colorado Ute Service Unit
P.O. Box 778
Ignacio, Colorado 81137
Phone: (970) 563-9443


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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852