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National Cyber Alert System
Technical Cyber Security Alert TA04-104Aarchive

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Products

Original release date: April 13, 2004
Last revised: April 14, 2004
Source: US-CERT

Systems Affected

  • Microsoft Windows Operating Systems
  • Microsoft Windows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) subsystems
  • Microsoft Windows MHTML Protocol Handler
  • Microsoft Jet Database Engine


Microsoft Corporation has released a series of security bulletins affecting most users of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Users of systems running Microsoft Windows are strongly encouraged to visit the Windows Security Updates for April 2004 and take actions appropriate to their system configurations.

I. Description

Microsoft has released four security bulletins listing a number of vulnerabilities which affect a variety of Microsoft Windows software packages. The following section summarizes the issues identified in their bulletins.

Summary of Microsoft Bulletins for April 2004

Security Bulletin MS04-011: Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732)

This bulletin addresses 14 vulnerabilities affecting the systems listed below. There are several new vulnerabilities address by this bulletin, and several updates to previously reported vulnerabilities.


    Remote attackers could execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems.

Systems affected

    • Windows NT Workstation 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003

Vulnerability identifiers

The following table outlines these issues and is based on Microsoft's Security Bulletin:

Vulnerability TitleUS-CERT IDCVE IDImpact of Vulnerability

LSASS Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

LDAP Vulnerability


Denial of Service

PCT Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

Winlogon Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

Metafile Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

Help and Support Center Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

Utility Manager Vulnerability


Privilege Elevation

Windows Management Vulnerability


Privilege Elevation

Local Descriptor Table Vulnerability


Privilege Elevation

H.323 Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

Virtual DOS Machine Vulnerability


Privilege Elevation

Negotiate SSP Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

SSL Vulnerability


Denial of Service

ASN.1 "Double Free" Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

Security Bulletin MS04-012: Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM (828741)

This bulletin addresses several new vulnerabilities affecting the systems listed below. These vulnerabilities are in Microsoft Windows Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM).


    Remote attackers could execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems.

Systems affected

    • Windows NT Workstation 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003

Vulnerability identifiers

The following table outlines these issues and is based on Microsoft's Security Bulletin:

Vulnerability TitleUS-CERT IDCVE IDImpact of Vulnerability

RPC Runtime Library Vulnerability


Remote Code Execution

RPCSS Service Vulnerability


Denial of Service

COM Internet Services (CIS) -- RPC over HTTP Vulnerability


Denial of Service

Object Identity Vulnerability


Information Disclosure

Security Bulletin MS04-013:Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (837009)

This bulletin addresses a vulnerability affecting the systems listed below. The vulnerability affects the Microsoft Windows MHTML Protocol handler and any applications that use it, including Microsoft Outlook and Internet Explorer. This vulnerability has been assigned VU#323070 and CAN-2004-0380.

Note: MS04-013 includes patches remediating the vulnerability described in TA04-099A.


    Remote attackers could execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems.

Systems affected

    • Windows NT Workstation 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003
    • Windows 98
    • Windows 98 Second Edition (SE)
    • Windows Millennium Edition (Windows Me)

Note: This issue affects systems with Outlook Express installed. Outlook Express is installed by default on most (if not all) current versions of Microsoft Windows.

Security Bulletin MS04-014: Vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow Code Execution (837001)

This bulletin addresses a vulnerability affecting the systems listed below. There is a buffer overflow vulnerability in Microsoft's Jet Database Engine (Jet). An attacker could take control of a vulnerable system, including installing programs; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or creating new accounts that have full privileges. This vulnerability has been assigned VU#740716 and CAN-2004-0197.


    Remote attackers could execute arbitrary code on vulnerable systems.

Systems affected

    • Windows NT Workstation 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0
    • Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition
    • Windows 2000
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003

Update to TA04-099A

Microsoft has released a patch that addresses the cross-domain vulnerability discussed in TA04-099A: Vulnerability in Internet Explorer ITS Protocol Handler. US-CERT is tracking this issue as VU#323070. This reference number corresponds to CVE candidate CAN-2004-0380.

The patches and further information about the vulnerability are available in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-013. MS04-013 is titled Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express. Since most (if not all) current Windows systems have Outlook Express installed by default, and the MHTML protocol handler is part of the Outlook Express software package, most (if not all) Windows systems should be considered vulnerable.

TA04-099A and VU#323070 focused on the ITS protocol handlers; however, the latent vulnerability appears to be in the MHTML handler shipped as part of Outlook Express. These documents have been updated.

II. Impact

Several of the issues identified by Microsoft have been described as Critical in nature. Each bulletin contains at least one vulnerability which may allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected systems. The privileges gained would depend on the security context of the software and vulnerability exploited.

III. Solution

Apply an appropriate set of updates from Microsoft

Please see the following site for more information about appropriate remediation.
Windows Security Updates for April 2004

Appendix A. Vendor Information

This appendix contains information provided by vendors for this technical alert. As vendors report new information to US-CERT, we will update this section and note the changes in our revision history. If a particular vendor is not listed below, we have not received their comments.

Microsoft Corporation

Windows Security Updates for April 2004
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-011 - Security Update for Microsoft Windows (835732)
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-012 - Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM (828741)
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-013 - Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express (837009)
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-014 - Vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow Code Execution (837001)

Appendix B. References

Feedback: US-CERT Technical Alerts

Copyright 2004 Carnegie Mellon University. Terms of use

Revision History

April 13, 2004: Initial release
April 14, 2004: Updated Vulnerability Note links

Last updated February 08, 2008
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