Save a Session

To save the parameters of a session that you're working on, first click inside the session window to make sure it is active, then open the File menu and select Save or Save As.

Save will save your session using its most recent filename. The Save toolbar icon is a shortcut for Save. If you have not saved the session yet, or if you choose Save As, you will be prompted to choose a directory and enter a filename.

A session file may be saved at any time, even if it has not been executed. A saved session can be opened and modified at a later time.

It is not necessary to save both the session and its results matrix. Since a saved matrix contains a snapshot of the session at the time of execution, the session can be retrieved from the matrix. Alternatively, a session may be executed again to recreate the matrix.

Export As Text

You can also save your session's parameters as a text file in Windows' INI format. To do so, open the File menu and click Export As Text. Choose a directory in which to save the file, enter a filename, and click Save.

Saving sessions as text can be useful if you need to find the differences between two sessions easily. Some software tools can assist with text comparison. You can also re-open a session from a text file, but using SEER*Stat session files is recommended for most purposes.