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Welcome to the SEER Inquiry System (SINQ). SINQ is a collection of questions that cancer registrars have had while coding cancer cases. Click Search to look for specific questions or to select questions for a Report.
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20091029 MP/H Rules/Histology--Melanoma: Using the MP/H Rules, how is melanoma arising in a "compound nevus, NOS" coded? How is melanoma arising in a nevus, NOS coded? Final Apr 13 2009
20091028 MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Lung: Diagnosed in 1998 with non-small cell ca of the LLL treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. In 2008 there is a 3.6 cm abnormality in the LLL. Brushings & washings are positive for non-small cell ca. Is this a new primary using rule M8? Please see discussion. Final Mar 25 2009
20091027 MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Thyroid: 4/5/08 Lt Thyroid Lobectomy: Follicular CA. 7/25/08 Rt Thyroid Lobectomy: PAP CA, follicular variant. Which rule under Other Sites applies? Final Mar 25 2009
20091026 CS Extension--extramedullary plasmacytoma: Under what circumstance would CS extension code 80 be used in a case of extramedullary plasmacytoma? Please see discussion. Final Mar 25 2009
20091025 MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Urinary: Are urinary tumors before the MP rules used to determine MP? When an invasive bladder tumor and other urinary site tumors occur, do you stop with the bladder at M5 and M6 never reaching M8? Please see discussion. Thank you. Final Apr 13 2009
20091024 MP/H Rules/Multiple primaries--Urinary: Are diagnoses in bladder, ureter, renal pelvis, and other urinary made prior to 2007 used in determining MP? Please see discussion. Final Mar 25 2009
20091023 Sugery of Primary Site--Breast: When a patient is simultaneously diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer and bilateral mastectomies are done, do you code the total mastectomies to 40 or 41 or 42? Final Mar 25 2009
20091018 MP/H Rules/Multiple Primaries/CS Extension: For both pleura and fallopian tube, the MP/H rules indicate that bilateral involvement of these sites should be coded as multiple primaries but both of them have CS extension codes that incorporate the contralateral disease into regional extension. I have a case of left sided pleural mesothelioma that has right sided pleural disease also. Is this two primaries, and if so, how is CS coded? Final Mar 25 2009
20091017 Primary site: A patient had a ruptured esophagus 25 years ago and had a segment of colon removed and transplanted to serve as esophagus. In 2007, the patient was diagnosed with carcinoma in a polyp by endoscopic biopsy of the transplanted 'esophagus'. What is the primary site code? Is this the same site schema to be used for Collaborative staging and surgery coding? Final Apr 13 2009
20091016 CS Extension--Pancreas: What is the correct CS Extension Code for head of pancreas primary with involvement of portal and splenic veins? The splenic artery/vein is only mentioned in the body and tail scheme; no mention in the pancreatic head scheme. Final Mar 25 2009
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