TSWG: Technical Support Working Group

Statistical Verification of Camouflage Clothing Patterns

Statistical Verification of Camouflage Clothing Patterns

Terrorists and criminals often commit crimes while wearing clothing with camouflage patterns such as military Battle Dress Uniforms. Much like identifying an individual through fingerprints, forensic investigators can expertly match uniforms appearing in crime scene surveillance images to those recovered from suspects. Such a match is a strong piece of courtroom evidence, but to maximize its usefulness one must know how close the match really is-that is, how many other uniforms may also appear to match. The Military Uniform Uniqueness Statistical Evaluator (MUUSE) is a new, state of- the-art tool that answers this question for investigators. MUUSE, developed by Quantum Signal, LLC, provides statistical data on the uniqueness of match, enabling investigators to better understand the strength of their garment-match evidence and thus whether to include/exclude suspects from the investigation. MUUSE is currently used for US DOD uniforms, and can also be adapted to other camouflage uniforms and clothing. Requests for additional information should be sent to Quantum Signal at info@quantumsignal.com.