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Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
TOC\ Web Developer References\ Programming Languages\ < ColdFusion > 

      <CF_Application Development>
      <CF_Custom Tags>
      <CF_Fusebox Version 2.0>
      <CF_Hal's Newsletter>
      <CF_Performance Tuning>
      <CF_Regular Expressions>
      <CF_User Groups>@
      Web Development Resources@

Allaire: Developer's Exchange  - Welcome to The Allaire Developer's Exchange! This repository allows visitors to view, contribute, and download multiple types of content, and allows contributors passworded access to administer their contributions. Please note that a new section has been added for Java applets and servlets.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/developer/gallery.cfm
Building Enterprise Portals  - An Enterprise Portal is the combination of software and technology infrastructure, new business models and new organizational structures that combine to create an Internet-centric business. In short, an Enterprise Portal is what companies need to build in order to become Internet-centric companies. In my estimation, Enterprise Portals reflect three distinct observations about the Internet business landscape.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/imho/Buildingenterpriseportals/index.html
CFHub.com  - The Bookmark for CF Developers!   URL: http://www.cfhub.com/
CFM Central  - Devoted to Cold Fusion and its many uses with a forum, tag gallery, script archive and more. Free registration.   URL: http://www.cfmcentral.com/
Changes to CFLOCK in CF server 4.5  - If you used the CFLOCK tag in 4.x and are upgrading to 4.5 then you will need to read this article. It will explain the differences from 4.x to 4.5 and will supply a migration tool to download.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/Handlers/index.cfm?ID=14165&Method=Full
CNET Builder.com - Web Programming - Application Design With ColdFusion  - Allaire's ColdFusion is a powerful solution for developers who wish to build secure, scalable, and manageable Web applications, but this power can intimidate even the most seasoned programmer. Using ColdFusion efficiently requires knowledge of the product and forethought in your application design. Application settings, code reuse, persistent variables, error catching, and application testing have all made our lives as developers easier. By Brian Kotek (11/9/99).   URL: http://www.builder.com/Programming/ColdFusion/
Cold Fusion Frontier *** - This web details aspects and applications of Cold Fusion, a server side database and programming application for sophisticated, on the fly web pages. It is meant both to provide functional support to developer's and tool evaluators.   URL: http://psyberspace.net/coldfusion/
ColdFusion 4.0: A More Complete Package  - ColdFusion 4.0's new JavaScript-like syntax, XML-based functions, and interactive debugger could transform you into a ColdFusion convert.   URL: http://www.appserver-zone.com/articles/lc1198/lc1198.asp
ColdFusion Clustering in a Distributed Configuration  - This article describes the recommended configuration for clustering in a distributed ColdFusion server environment where the Web servers are separated from the ColdFusion application servers.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/Handlers/index.cfm?ID=16513&method=Full
ColdFusion Comes of Age  - It's the little application server that could. Allaire Corp.'s ColdFusion 4.0, long the favorite choice for small, stealthily developed Web projects because of its ease of use, is determinedly chugging its way into the enterprise.   URL: http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/stories/articles/0,4413,383602,00.html
ColdFusion Expressions: Operands, Operators, and Other Constructs—Section A  - This technical note describes ColdFusion expressions -- language constructs that allow you to create sophisticated applications.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/handlers/index.cfm?ID=14718&Method=Full&Cache=False
ColdFusion Expressions: Operands, Operators, and Other Constructs—Section B  - Operators, Operator Precedence, Functions as Operators, Pound Signs.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/handlers/index.cfm?ID=14683
ColdFusion Locking Best Practices  - Locking shared scope variables within ColdFusion templates is an often-overlooked process that has severe consequences when best practices are not followed. This document will explain why the process of locking shared scope variables is important and the best practices for doing so.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/handlers/index.cfm?ID=17318&Method=Full
ColdFusion Markup Language  - The Yale computer scientist David Gelernter, in his book Machine Beauty: Elegance and the Heart of Technology, persuasively argues that much of the development of superior technology relies not so much on what the technology does, but how it does what it does. Specifically, Gelernter asks, does the technology work in an elegant manner and is it simple, yet powerful? ...In short, you should choose your language based on the task at hand. In many cases, as in those requiring standard network protocols and services and back-end database interactions, the extent of your programming activities can be best handled with ColdFusion technologies. CFML helps you achieve your programming goals efficiently and rapidly, and according to David Gelernter, that places the language in the category of superior technologies.   URL: http://www.webtechniques.com/archives/2000/08/junk/
ColdFusion Mega Resource Site  - Mega Links to ColdFusion resources.   URL: http://coldfusion.pagina.nl/
ColdFusion with CFCONTENT on NT 4.0 SP6 & SP6a  - When upgrading NT 4.0 to SP6 running IIS 4.0 you will find that CFCONTENT will not work. Upgrading to sp6a fixes the problem but you may need to alter your code in order to get it working again.   URL: http://www.allaire.com/Handlers/index.cfm?ID=16907&Method=Full
Creating a Shopping Cart with ColdFusion  - The last solution is to build a cart for yourself. This is the best route to take if you know how to do it. For one, you'll get a custom solution. You'll know how it functions inside and out, so if something breaks or needs modification, you'll know how to deal with it. Assuming that you have the time to invest, all you need now is an idea of what's involved.   URL: http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/99/49/index4a.html?tw=programming
Developer.com: Cold Fusion  - Development, Example Implementations, Interaction, LDAP FAQs, Mailing Lists, Publications, Reviews, Sites &amp; News, Software, Standards, Support, Support Forums.   URL: http://www.developer.com/directories/pages/dir.cfm.html
eGroups : CF-Talk **** - CF-Talk is a mailing list dealing with the Cold Fusion web application language. Currently has over 63,000 messages. cf-talk;majordomo;egroups.com is a remote list. Messages archived by month.   URL: http://www.egroups.com/list/cf-talk
Enter the Scalability Zone  - During the CF 3.x product cycle, our competitors shifted to attack CF as an unsuitable product for the enterprise, questioning whether it could “scale” to support an unlimited number of concurrent users. Despite anecdotal evidence to the contrary (AutoByTel and SmartMoney interactive), some clients remained unconvinced. Allaire recognized this tactic and proceeded to load CF 4 with features to address this concern.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/editorials/1-3/drucker/index.html
Getting Focus()ed and a Quick Lession in JavaScript  - There's an incredibly simple solution. Just the tiniest bit of JavaScript. A single line of code, really. This article will show you how...and will also lay the most basic foundation of using JavaScript if you're new to it.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/archives/0206/Arehart/
Getting Started with CF - Tips and Tricks  - Custom Tags, Stored Proceedures, and Stylesheets are real timesavers. When I first started using ColdFusion, I found that there were many tricks to getting it to work the way I wanted it to. If you're new to CF, you may have run up against various development problems; if so, this article is for you. I'll be serving up some tips and techniques that you can use to help you up the learning curve.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/archives/0206/Dan/
House of Fusion  - A general CF resource web site.   URL: http://www.houseoffusion.com/
Lock It or Lose It  - We all know that locking is important. Most of us even understand why locks are needed. But exactly where to use a lock, which lock type to use and what code to put within the lock remains confusing at best.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/archives/0208/forta/index.html
Mapping the Future of ColdFusion, Spectra, E-Business, and the Internet  - Radio Interview: Jeremy Allaire shares his vision.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/archives/0206/Allaire/
OACFUG: Articles - Structures Tutorials  - Structures (Part 1): The Basics of CF-Based Structures, (Part 2): Using CF-Based Structures, (Part 3): Advanced Use of CF-Based Structures.   URL: http://www.oacfug.org/dsp_Articles.cfm
Preparing a ColdFusion Application for ClusterCATS Implementation  - So, you want to manage a session on load-balanced servers? This document has been prepared to assist ColdFusion programmers in developing or converting their ColdFusion-based applications to support client-state management in a clustered server environment.   URL: http://www.advantex.net/ColdFusion/CFClusteringDoc.htm
Psyberspace ColdFusion Metasearch *** - Search for ColdFusion sites and info at Psyberspace.net. Use the search box at the bottom of the page to find what you're looking for.   URL: http://psyberspace.net/coldfusion/search/searchresult.cfm?Criteria=cold+fusion&MaxRows=100&collection=psyberwebfusion
Streamlining Data Entry Applications  - You may not believe this, but you’ll probably spend more time maintaining your ColdFusion application once it goes into production than you spent developing it in the first place. Among IT professionals it’s well known that the effort required to support applications over time is significantly larger than the effort required to build them. Applications are like children: the effort and dollars required to bring them into the world are sizable, but once they’re here you’ll support them for years. Thus it behooves you to take measures to minimize the effort required to maintain your applications. But how do you do this? One of the most effective solutions is to develop standard techniques and approaches for handling similar problems.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/feature/1-3/streamliningdataentryapplications/index.html
TeamAllaire - Hal's Menu  - Hal's Menu.   URL: http://www.teamallaire.com/hal/halsMenu.cfm
TeamAllaire - Index of tutorials  - TeamAllaire Index of tutorials.   URL: http://www.teamallaire.com/tutorials/
The BlackBox Technique v1.1  - It doesn’t take a lot to develop in BlackBox. The essence of a universally available function library is encapsulated in a file called blackbox.cfm. Instead of calling any of the pages in your library directly, you call them through one of these tags. These tags automatically recurse the directory tree and find the file, or function, you specified. All BlackBox library functions are contained in a subdirectory in your application’s web root (not necessarily the server web root). This directory is called ‘blackbox’. Each library element you wish to add has its own directory within the ‘blackbox’ directory.   URL: http://www.black-box.org/
The Cold Fusion Web Database Construction Kit ***** - This book is written for anyone who wishes to create cutting-edge Web-based applications. If you are a Webmaster or Web page designer and want to create dynamic data-driven Web pages, this book is for you. If you are an experienced database administrator who wants to take advantage of the Web to publish or collect data, this book is for you, too. If you are just starting out creating your Web presence, but know that you want to serve more than just static information, this book will help get you there. Even if you are already an experienced Cold Fusion user, this book will provide you with invaluable tips and tricks, and will also serve as the definitive Cold Fusion developer's reference. This book will teach you how to create real Web-based applications that solve real-world problems. And along the way you'll acquire all the skills you need to design, implement, test, and roll out world class applications of your own.   URL: http://docs.rinet.ru:8080/Cold/index.htm
The ColdFusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit - alertnate source  - To access the contents, click the chapter and section titles. The ColdFusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit. (Publisher: Macmillan Computer Publishing) Author(s): Ben Forta ISBN: 078971809x Publication Date: 12/23/98   URL: http://www.itknowledge.com/reference/standard/078971809x/ewtoc.html
The truth about ColdFusion and DCOM  - Extending ColdFusion to incorporate Microsoft's Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) is a powerful way to expand the capabilities of the application server on the Microsoft platform.   URL: http://www.sys-con.com/coldfusion/archives/0202/josavio/index.html
To Lock, or Not To Lock  - It is generally accepted that it is a best practice to lock shared scope variables any time there is a potential for concurrent writes, but many a developer I have run across has done a signifigant ammount of hand wringing over whether or not read locks are necessary.   URL: http://www.defusion.com/articles/index.cfm?ArticleID=105
Web page development heavyweight rematch  - After working with both development environments, we found that Visual InterDev excels in management of the site development process and scripting. But ColdFusion Studio, Allaire's IDE for ColdFusion, has the edge over Visual InterDev with respect to HTML coding and basic database integration. This time, ColdFusion's improved coding tools and database connectivity features make it the overall winner.   URL: http://www.pint.com/Workshop/art_coldfusion.htm

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