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Ruditis, PetitionerR) R)  S!-x` ` v.R)hppCSR 5247L R) Time Warner Cable St. Augustine, FL,R) x` ` RespondentR) R) For Commercial Leased AccessR)  S -  MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER TP  S -X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:(>(II"  xamount of coverage or the type of insurance policy that operators may require were not adopted in the  S- xkSecond Report, on the grounds that "a specific restriction might not be appropriate for all situations."  xInstead, the Commission stated that insurance requirements must be reasonable in relation to the objective  xof the requirement. The Commission further stated that determinations of a "reasonable" insurance  xLrequirement will be based on the operator's practices with respect to insurance requirements imposed on  xnonleased access programmers, the likelihood that the leased access programming will pose a liability  xyrisk for the operator, previous instances of litigation arising from the leased access programming, and any  S-other relevant factors. The burden of proof in establishing reasonableness was placed on cable operators.  t {OR-ԍSee Second Report at  112, and at Appendix D, Revised Rules, Section 76.971(d).  S- ` &x6.` ` We find, based on the record summarized above, that Time Warner has met the  xCommission's requirement to justify the reasonableness of the insurance coverage requested of Ruditis.  xFirst, the insurance requirement at issue here appears to be substantially like that imposed on any other  xleased access programmer leasing capacity on any of Time Warner's cable systems nationwide or on  xnational satellite networks that cannot demonstrate sufficient financial resources to support reliance on an  xkindemnifications clause. Second, we believe that Time Warner has a reasonable concern that Ruditis's  xprogramming exposes not only Ruditis, who produces such programming, to risks of liability, but also  xzTime Warner, who carries that programming to subscribers. Moreover, Ruditis has not demonstrated  xpossession of financial resources sufficient to provide any assurance that an indemnification clause, in lieu  xyof insurance, would offer practical protection against liability risks that may be incurred by Time Warner in carrying his programming.  S- ` x7.` ` Turning to the allegations regarding leased access rates, the dispute resolution procedures  S- xadopted in the Second Report require that a cable operator's maximum leased access rate be determined  x[by an independent accountant prior to the filing with the Commission of a petition for relief alleging that  xa cable operator's leased access rate is unreasonable. In the event that the parties cannot agree on a  x.mutually acceptable accountant, the rules require that the parties each select an independent accountant,  S- xjwho must then select a third independent accountant to perform the review. \Z t {O- xԍSee Second Report  103104. Each of these steps is subject to specific time limitations, and the accountant's  {O- xireport must signed, dated, certified by the accountant, and maintained in the cable operator's public file. Id., at  106, and at Appendix D, Revised Rules, Section 76.975(b). The record does not show  xzthat a determination of Time Warner's maximum leased access rate by an independent accountant was  xMobtained prior to the filing of Ruditis' petition as required by the dispute resolution procedures. The  xMrecord shows on the other hand that Time Warner is willing to cooperate with Ruditis in utilizing the  xindependent accountant review procedures. Accordingly, Ruditis's complaint about the reasonableness  xof Time Warner's leased access rate will be dismissed for failure to comply with the Commission's new dispute resolution procedures.  $Y; "~ ,>(>(II"  S- $Y; 1 ORDERING CLAUSES ă  S- ` x8.` ` For the foregoing reasons, the petition for relief of John P. Ruditis in File No. CSR 5247 S-L IS DENIED .  S8- ` _x9.` ` This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated by Section 0.321 of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R.  0.321. X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8: