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See MCI v. FCC. 515 F 2d 385 (D.C. Circ 1974).  y: n dddhy  M8h U 1  1  Figure 1  Figure 1 y!HH@Uddfcclogo.wpgHHy! Xz ddK8k @#S2pPG;# NEWS - X   #Xw PE37|XP# #Xj\  P6G;ynXP#`:(#MAY 26, 1999  X'FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEhh} NEWS MEDIA CONTACT: ` `  Ghh}MORGAN BROMAN AT (202) 4187200  X4 COMMISSION ADOPTS REVISED MARKET DEFINITION FOR CABLE TELEVISION BROADCAST SIGNAL CARRIAGE PURPOSES  lTo facilitate a smooth transition to a new market definition for cable television broadcast signal carriage purposes, the FCC has adopted an order concerning the change from Arbitron's areas of dominant influence ("ADIs") to Nielsen Media Research's designated market areas ("DMAs"). A market definition, such as ADI or DMA, is used to determine which broadcast television stations are entitled to carriage on cable television systems in their area. The order is designed to reduce cable subscriber confusion and disruption in viewing patterns that may arise because of the switch in market definitions. Additionally, the FCC seeks to clarify the procedures for determining markets for must carry purposes so that the administration of the cable television signal carriage and retransmission consent rules is efficient and workable. In 1996, the FCC established new television market definitions for purposes of the cable television signal carriage and retransmission consent rules At that time the FCC concluded that it was appropriate to change market definitions from Arbitron ADIs to Nielsen Media Research DMAs for mustcarry/retransmission consent elections. The new market definition will take effect for the third mustcarry/retransmission consent election that takes place on October 1, 1999 and becomes effective on January 1, 2000.  X4The order  contains procedures designed to minimize unnecessary channel lineup disruptions and creates new procedures that will provide relief in these cases. The order also amends the Commission's rules concerning the evidence required in petitions to modify markets. The new rules are intended to make the Commission's review process more efficient. Action by the Commission May 21, 1999, by Order on Reconsideration and Second Report and Order (FCC 99116). Chairman Kennard, Commissioners Ness, Powell, FurchtgottRoth and Tristani. [FCC News Media contact: Morgan Broman at (202) 4182358. Cable Services Bureau contacts: Ben Golant at (202) 4187111.  X#4TTY: (202) 4187172#Xj\  P6G;ynXP#  Xh$4Report No. CS 999Ghh}pp"X   CS Docket 95178