High Desert Museum: highdesertmuseum.org

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Welcome to the High Desert Museum

Bears and Wolves 

bears and wolves

Feel as if you are surrounded by howling wolves and bears that squabble and coo, chuckle and even cry. Discover your role in these animals’ futures through recorded sound, intimate wildlife photography, groundbreaking field research, and history reenactors, live! January 23 – May 10.



Yuck! Cool! Fascinating! BUGS! From live scorpions and hairy tarantulas, to the swallowtail butterfly: discover the world of bugs!


living history

Step into the past…What better way to learn about early settlers than by lending a hand on our 1880 High Desert Homestead Ranch. But don't stop there. Our express agent, homesteaders, traveling schoolmarm and other living history characters have stories too.


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January 31 10am - 5pm

Central Oregon Wedding Showcase

The Museum will be at the Central Oregon Wedding Showcase

February 1

Exhibit Closing

Last Chance to see Bugs!

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