What's New at the Museum Shop?

This 8 inch "Urchin" basket is painstakingly woven from brown ash and trimmed with sweet grass from the coastal marshes of Maine. Penobscot artist Sarah Sockbeson is one of the new, up and coming basket weavers. Her innovative designs are catching the eye of serious basket collectors.

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Wabanaki Study Available Online

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Asticou’s Island Domain: Wabanaki Peoples at Mount Desert Island 1500-2000 by Dr. Harald Prins and Bunny McBride. Commissioned by the National Park Service in cooperation with Acadia National Park, the Abbe Museum and the Wabanaki Indian nations.

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The Mission of the Abbe Museum is to promote the understanding and appreciation of Maine's Native American culture, history, and archaeology. The Museum's collections, exhibitions, and programs focus on Native American traditions in Maine and explore the broader Native American experience, past and present.

(207) 288-3519 or info@abbemuseum.org

Visit us at two locations:

26 Mount Desert Street, Bar Harbor, Maine • Abbe at Sieur de Monts, Acadia National Park
