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IACA Fall Wholesale Market

October 16-17, 2009

Mesa Convention Center, Mesa AZ


The Indian Arts and Crafts Association was established in 1974 in response to the growing problem of misrepresentation of American Indian arts and crafts in the marketplace. The original founders were American Indian artists and reputable businesses located primarily in the Southwest. Today, IACA is an international organization representing every link in American Indian arts – Native artists from the U.S. and Canada, along with consumers, retailers, wholesalers, museums, government agencies, suppliers and supporting members.
Our Mission

IACA works to support the effective protection, ethical promotion of authentic Native American art and preservation of material culture has helped instill confidence in the consumer marketplace.  Through its markets, educational publications, cultural programs, seminars and networking to enable artists’ work to reach a global market, IACA has played an integral role in the strengthening of the Indian arts and crafts industry. Consumers know that if they see the IACA logo, they can buy with confidence.
 Buy With Confidence - Look for the IACA Logo

Buyers and collectors have learned to look for the IACA logo as a standard of authentic American Indian art. The IACA logo assures buyers and collectors of purchasing with confidence. The symbol is copy-righted and only members of the Association are allowed to use it. As a member, each artist and business agrees to honestly and ethically represent their merchandise and to abide by all state and federal laws.

IACA Website

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