our mission is to provide educational, social and economic opportunities for Native Americans through artistic development.

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your interest in our website. After 17 years of operation, Crow’s Shadow Institute of the Arts is not a new organization, but hopefully what you are seeing is the start of a new marketing effort to share our work with the rest of the world. As a fine arts facility, the crux of our mission is to bring artists from the Umatilla Indian Reservation and beyond to participate in our unique printmaking collaborations.

While our specific activities have evolved over the past two decades — a lack of funding and staff eight years ago forced us to cut back on our traditional arts and youth workshops — we have stayed committed to our mission of artistic development for Native Americans. While times are changing and the economy is struggling, we have remain vitalized by all of the people and funders who believe in what we’re doing. We will soon begin offering classes again, so keep checking back on this website for more information on that and our other activities.

We also have conducted a pretty intense search to fill our Executive Director position, but so far to no avail. Circumstances outside our control force us to begin another search, so feel free to send this information to anyone you think may be interested in knowing about it!

Keep in touch!

Pat Walters, Interim Executive Director

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