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Reports & Publications

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Genetic Analysis of Pacific Salmonids in the Northeast Pacific and the Russian Far East

This U.S./Russian collaboration will investigate genetics and life histories of Kamchatka Peninsula rainbow trout and steelhead (O. mykiss), and Dolly Varden, white-spotted, and arctic char (S. malma, S. leucomaensis, and S. alpinus, respectively). Both anadromous and resident forms of these generally occur in Kamchatka rivers that are free from More...

  • Shown are an adult Siberian white spotted char, or kundza (Salvelinus leucomaensis, top), and a pre-

Conservation Genetics: Fish

This page presents samples of genetics and genomics research from the USGS Biological Resources Discipline about the conservation genetics of fish.

  • Image of a Pallid sturgeon