TSWG: Technical Support Working Group

Wireless Surveillance Earpiece

Wireless Surveillance Earpiece

Government protective details are frequently required to provide VIP security in public areas. In these situations it is important that they remain as inconspicuous as possible. Traditional surveillance earpieces are connected to the transmitting device via an indiscreet pigtail wire, potentially compromising VIP location information. An unobtrusive wireless earpiece is required so as not to draw unnecessary attention to security personnel. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) has successfully identified commercially available wireless earpiece devices that address Government protective services requirements. SAIC worked with protective service personnel to define requirements for wireless surveillance earpieces, developed a comprehensive market analysis report that systematically ranked candidate wireless surveillance earpiece technologies, and performed a thorough hands-on technical evaluation of the leading candidates. Requests for additional information should be addressed to vipsubgroup@tswg.gov.