U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Indian Health Service: The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Photo collage of a computer keyboard, circuit board and stethoscope
December 15-19, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
2008 Indian Health Information Management Conference Photo of downtown Phoenix  
Managing Health Information Technology to Improve Performance and Outcomes Photo of downtown Phoenix  
The IHIMC began as the IHS Technology Conference in the mid 1980s, and continues to be held on a regular basis. The IHIMC and its antecedent conferences are designed to present and demonstrate the value of Heath Information Technology tools that support health care delivery in Indian Country. IHIMC provides a forum for clinical and technical leadership to learn and understand the direction and vital role that information technology plays in the delivery and promotion of quality health care to American Indian/Alaska Native people in Federal (IHS), Tribal and Urban settings (I/T/U).
Welcome address speakers at the IHS Indian Health Information Management Conference December 16, 2008- The opening session speakers, left to right: Back row- Herman Lavatai, Robert McSwain, Director, Indian Health Service (IHS), Dr. Theresa Cullen, Chief Information Officer, IHS, Don Davis, Director, Phoenix Area IHS, and John Lewis, Executive Director, Inter Tribal Council of Arizona. Front row- Randy Grinnell, Deputy Director, IHS Management Operations, and Chuck Walt, Tribal Co-Chair, Indian Health Service Information Systems Advisory Committee (ISAC).
Green Initiative- The IHIMC Planning Committee made an effort to reduce our environmental impact on this year’s conference by not printing session handouts.

There were 58 general and breakout session presentations at the IHIM conference. As more presentations are made 508 compliant they will be listed below:

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Indian Health Service (HQ) - The Reyes Building, 801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400 - Rockville, MD 20852