Publications and Presentations

GSA SmartPay Publications and Presentations

Doc ID Name Format Size Publish Date
  Point of Sale Discounts and Transition Management Documents List of merchants who offer automatic discounts on purchases made using the GSA SmartPay Card. Word 458k 9/24/2004
  GSA Charge Card Management Plan Template GSA developed resource to assist program customers in developing an effective program management plan. Other 107k 10/30/2006
  Transition Quick Reference This two-page document provides A/OPCs with a high-level introduction to the GSA SmartPay 2 (SP2) program and the transition to SP2. PDF 81k 11/2/2006
  RFP With Amendments SmartPay 2 RFP With Amendments as of 07/10/2007 Word 2985k 7/10/2007
  Fleet RFP Version Fleet Line of Business RFP Version Word 2664k 8/9/2007
  Integrated RFP Version Integrated Line of Business RFP Version Word 2707k 8/9/2007
  Purchase RFP Version Purchase Line of Business RFP Version Word 2631k 8/9/2007
  Travel RFP Version Travel Line of Business RFP Version Word 2704k 8/9/2007
  Executive Briefing This presentation is meant to be used as a guiding document for a discussion between an agency's Lead A/OPC and Agency Executives. PowerPoint 590k 7/30/2007
  Pre-Award Checklist The pre-award transition checklist is a resources agencies/organizations can use as a guide as they plan to transition to SP2. Word 753k 7/30/2007
  Transition Frequently Asked Questions This document addresses a number of the most common questions program participants may have about the transition to the SP2 program. Word 365k 7/25/2007
  Agency/Organization Needs Assessment Tool This questionnaire should be used as a starting point for A/OPCs to begin determining their agency/organization charge card program needs under SP2. Word 433k 7/25/2007
  Transition Communications Planning Tool A resource to help agencies/organizations plan and deliver communications to the multiple stakeholders impacted by the transition to SP2. Word 294k 7/30/2007
  Supplement For Transition Communications Planning Tool A supplement resource to help agencies/organizations plan and deliver communications to the multiple stakeholders impacted by the transition to SP2. Excel 22k 7/30/2007
  A/OPC Information Technology Quick Reference A high-level overview of IT-related transition activities Word 120k 7/30/2007
  CITIBANK SmartPay 2 Pricing This document provides Citibank pricing for GSA SmartPay 2. Other 747k 7/2/2007
  JP Morgan Chase SmartPay 2 Pricing This document provides JP Morgan Chase pricing for GSA SmartPay 2. Other 142k 8/8/2007
  U.S. Bank SmartPay 2 Pricing This document provides U.S. Bank pricing for GSA SmartPay 2. Other 117k 8/9/2007
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Last Reviewed 2/22/2009