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APPEAL Publications and Presentations

APPEAL has developed the following materials to address the lack of research and data on AAPI community health, particularly tobacco, and to assist AAPI tobacco control advocates in their work towards tobacco-free communities.

Please use Adobe Acrobat to download copies or contact us at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request hard copies.


  • Research Monograph
  • APPEAL Newsletter
  • Educational Kits
  • Policy Guide
  • Presentations
  • Youth Mobilization Guide
  • Community Case Studies

  • Research Monograph

    APPEAL's research monograph, "Critical Research and Data Issues on Tobacco   Use, Prevention and Control for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders," presents a collection of original research and scientific articles on diverse tobacco issues related to tobacco?s impact on AAPI communities.

    The papers included in the monograph are listed below.  Unfortunately, hard copies of the monograph are no longer available, but clicking on the titles will enable you to view the abstracts through the MEDLARS system link.  If you are interested in receiving a copy of one of the articles, please contact APPEAL at: appeal@aapcho.org or (510) 272-9536 x121.

    Smoking among Asian American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Youth: Data from the 2000 National Youth Tobacco Survey

    Jane Appleyard, M.A., Peter Messeri, Ph.D., M. Lyndon Haviland, Dr.P.H.

    Tobacco Use among Pacific Islanders: Risk-Behavior Surveys and Data Sets for the Study of Smoking Behavior on Guam

    Randall L. Workman, Ph.D.

    AAPI Youth Tobacco Use: A Comparative Analysis of Current Cigarette Use Data from the Florida, Texas, and National Youth Tobacco Surveys

    Josephine Mendoza Kershaw, M.B.A., Ph.D.

    Establishing Baseline Information on Cigarette Smoking Behavior from Ethnic-Specific Groups of Asian American and Pacific Islander Youth in Seattle, Washington, 1996-1998

    Clarence Spigner, Dr.P.H., Stella Gran-O?Donnell, M.S.W., M.P.H.

    A Participatory Research Approach to Address Data Needs in Tobacco Use among Native Hawaiians

    JoAnn Umilani Tsark, M.P.H.

    Correlates of Cigarette Smoking among Korean American Adults in Alameda County, California

    Rod Lew, M.P.H., Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Barbara A. Wismer, M.D., M.P.H., Katya Min, B.A., Soo H. Kang, Dr.P.H., Arthur M. Chen, M.D., Ira B. Tager, M.D., M.P.H.

    Using a Stages of Readiness Model to Address Community Capacity on Tobacco Control in the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community

    Rod Lew, M.P.H., Sora Park Tanjasiri, M.P.H., Dr.P.H., Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, R.N., Ph.D., Joon-Ho Yu

    The Status of Tobacco Cessation Research for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

    Moon S. Chen, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H.

    Quantifying Tobacco Related Health Care Expenditures in the Republic of the Marshall Islands:  A Case Study in Determining Health Costs in a Developing U.S. Associated Island Nation

    Neal A. Palafox, M.D., M.P.H., Alan C. Ou, M.D., Heather Haberle, M.H.S., Tai-Ho Chen, M.D.

    Exploring Tobacco Control Advocacy among Asian Pacific Islanders: Using Key Informant Interviews

    Sora Park Tanjasiri, Dr.P.H.

    Preparing the ?Ground War against Tobacco among Chinese Americans in New York City: Baseline Data

    Moon S. Chen, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H., Amy K. Ferketich, Ph.D., Melvin Moeschberger, Ph.D., Mary Ellen Wewers, Ph.D., M.P.H.

    Chronicle of Advocacy to Increase AAPI focused Objectives in Healthy People 2010: Implications for Tobacco-related Data and Research

    Dong Suh, M.P.P.

    APPEAL Policy Recommendations on Asian American and Pacific Islander tobacco Control Research and Data

    Smoking among Asian American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Youth: Data from the 2000 National Youth Tobacco Survey

    Jane Appleyard, M.A., Peter Messeri, Ph.D., M. Lyndon Haviland, Dr.P.H.

    Tobacco Use among Pacific Islanders: Risk-Behavior Surveys and Data Sets for the Study of Smoking Behavior on Guam

    Randall L. Workman, Ph.D.

    AAPI Youth Tobacco Use: A Comparative Analysis of Current Cigarette Use Data from the Florida, Texas, and National Youth Tobacco Surveys

    Josephine Mendoza Kershaw, M.B.A., Ph.D.Establishing Baseline Information on Cigarette Smoking Behavior from Ethnic-Specific Groups of Asian American and Pacific Islander Youth in Seattle, Washington, 1996-1998

    Clarence Spigner, Dr.P.H., Stella Gran-O'Donnell, M.S.W., M.P.H.A Participatory Research Approach to Address Data Needs in Tobacco Use among Native Hawaiians

    JoAnn Umilani Tsark, M.P.H.

    Correlates of Cigarette Smoking among Korean American Adults in Alameda County, California

    Rod Lew, M.P.H., Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., Barbara A. Wismer, M.D., M.P.H., Katya Min, B.A., Soo H. Kang, Dr.P.H., Arthur M. Chen, M.D., Ira B. Tager, M.D., M.P.H.

    Using a Stages of Readiness Model to Address Community Capacity on Tobacco Control in the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community

    Rod Lew, M.P.H., Sora Park Tanjasiri, M.P.H., Dr.P.H., Marjorie Kagawa-Singer, R.N., Ph.D., Joon-Ho Yu

    The Status of Tobacco Cessation Research for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

    Moon S. Chen, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H.

    Quantifying Tobacco Related Health Care Expenditures in the Republic of the Marshall Islands:  A Case Study in Determining Health Costs in a Developing U.S. Associated Island Nation

    Neal A. Palafox, M.D., M.P.H., Alan C. Ou, M.D., Heather Haberle, M.H.S., Tai-Ho Chen, M.D.

    Exploring Tobacco Control Advocacy among Asian Pacific Islanders: Using Key Informant Interviews

    Sora Park Tanjasiri, Dr.P.H.

    Preparing the "Ground War" against Tobacco among Chinese Americans in New York City: Baseline Data

    Moon S. Chen, Jr., Ph.D., M.P.H., Amy K. Ferketich, Ph.D., Melvin Moeschberger, Ph.D., Mary Ellen Wewers, Ph.D., M.P.H.Chronicle of Advocacy to Increase AAPI focused Objectives in Healthy People 2010: Implications for Tobacco-related Data and Research

    Dong Suh, M.P.P.

    APPEAL Policy Recommendations on Asian American and Pacific Islander tobacco Control Research and Data

    APPEAL Newsletter

    The APPEAL newsletter, A Global APPEAL, is a biannual publication, available each spring and fall.  Each newsletter contains articles relevant to the AAPI tobacco control community on a national and international, as well as regional level, including policy updates, feature stories, and APPEAL project updates.

    Electronic issues of A Global APPEAL may be viewed or downloaded here:

    To receive hardcopies of our newsletter or to be included in our biannual newsletter mailings, please send your request to appeal@aapcho.org or call us at (510) 272-9536.

    Educational Kits

    1.  Tobacco Cessation Among Asian American and Pacific Islanders: A Community Approach


    The purpose of this kit is to assist AAPI communities in implementing tobacco cessation programs and policies.  While there are other general cessation kits available, this kit is designed to specifically address issues relevant to AAPIs and to provide examples of culturally competent strategies used within AAPI communities at varying stages of readiness.  Please note that this kit will primarily focus on smoking cessation and adults; the issues of cessation and the approaches one takes in addressing it can vary when dealing with adults versus youth.

    Please contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy of this kit.

    2.  Making Tobacco Relevant for Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

    The relevance kit is designed to explain why tobacco prevention and control is an important issue to address in AAPI communities. The goals are threefold: to increase awareness of Asian American and Pacific Islander tobacco issues; to provide methods for making tobacco issues relevant to diverse communities; to motivate Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to become involved with tobacco control.  Community members, policy makers, community health centers, health professionals, and program developers can benefit from reading this kit.

    You are welcome to download the kit or contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy.

    3.  Enhancing Cultural and Community Competence for Tobacco Control for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

    The cultural competence kit is designed for tobacco control advocates and policy makers working in the tobacco control movement who wish to work with AAPIs in their communities.  It emphasizes the importance of institutionalizing cultural competency activities in policies, programs, staff, and coalitions.  The kit also includes an introduction to cultural competency resources and case studies, as well as how to assess institutional cultural competency, identify areas for improvement, develop a cultural competency plan, and sustain momentum.

    You are welcome to download the kit or contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy.

    4.  Conducting Needs Assessments for Tobacco Control in Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

    The needs assessment kit is designed to help those who work with AAPI communities on tobacco prevention and control to better design and implement their activities and programs.  The goals of this kit are:  to educate community advocates on the benefits of needs assessments to their tobacco control activities and programs; to help tobacco control advocates choose the best needs assessment for their program by instructing them on the different types of needs assessment and how to conduct them.

    Please contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy.

    5.  Integrating Evaluation into Tobacco Programs for Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

    The evaluation kit is designed to help people who are developing or implementing tobacco control programs for AAPI communities.  The goals of this kit are:  to help program planners understand the value of evaluation for their program; to identify ways to plan and incorporate evaluations; to provide different methods for conducting evaluations; to provide case studies of how evaluation can be planned for specific AAPI tobacco control programs.

    Please contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy.

    6. Project and Event Planning for Tobacco-Free Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities

    This action kit is designed to provide you with strategies to plan and implement tobacco control projects in AAPI communities.  Inside you'll find: 1) a question and answer section, 2) a project planning guide, 3) a list of potential project ideas, 4) information on gathering community resources, working with the media, and evaluating your efforts.

    Please contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy.

    7. Mobilizing Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities on Tobacco and the Tobacco Settlement

    The settlement kit is designed to mobilize AAPI communities around the issue of tobacco and help them advocate for tobacco settlement monies for tobacco prevention and control programs.  In addition, this toolkit may help advocates find funding from other sources beside the settlement, such as those generated by state tobacco tax revenues.

    Please contact APPEAL at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536 to request a hard copy.


    8. Make Your Mark: Mobilizing Youth Against Tobacco in AAPI Communities

    Make Your Mark was developed for youth who are interested in becoming tobacco control advocates, but are not sure where to start. This guide provides an overview of tobacco control issues and their impact on youth and AAPI communities, youth-friendly strategies for community organizing, developing and implementing action plans and getting resources and a toolbox including sample project ideas, an action plan worksheet and helpful internet resources.

    To request a copy of Make Your Mark, please contact us at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536.  Or, click here to download.

    Policy Guide

    A Policy Framework for Preventing and Reducing Tobacco Use in the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community

    The policy framework provides comprehensive recommendations to better address AAPI tobacco prevention and control.  While documenting some of the successes in AAPI tobacco prevention and control over the past decade, the APPEAL Policy Framework also highlights the continuing gaps in resources and programs.  APPEAL hopes to work very closely with tobacco control organzations and policy makers to garner their support and commitment to addressing these important recommendations.

    To receive hard copies of the policy framework's
    executive summary, please contact us at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536.



    Tobacco Disparities, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the Need for Social Justice
    (Presented to the Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health and the Surgeon General, March 9, 2004)


    Youth Mobilization Guide


    Make Your Mark: Mobilizing Youth Against Tobacco

    Make Your Mark was developed for youth who are interested in becoming tobacco control advocates, but are not sure where to start. This guide provides an overview of tobacco control issues and their impact on youth and AAPI communities, youth-friendly strategies for community organizing, developing and implementing action plans and getting resources and a toolbox including sample project ideas, an action plan worksheet and helpful internet resources.

    To request a copy of Make Your Mark, please contact us at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536.  Or, click here to download.

    Community Case Studies

    Implementing a Community Readiness Approach to Tobacco Control

    Implementing a Community Readiness Approach to Tobacco Control is a compilation of case studies highlighting how five regional coalitions or networks from across the continental U.S. and Hawai`i took up the challenge of reducing tobacco use in their local Asian American and Pacific Islander communities using a community capacity building approach.  By sharing their experiences, accomplishments and challenges, we hope others will gain new ideas and fresh strategies to apply within their own communities.

    To request a copy, please contact us at appeal@aapcho.org or 510-272-9536.