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High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters

The HEPA website provides a forum for informing and reporting department-wide activities related to filtration and ventilation issues with special reference to the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters' use and testing.

blue dot imageHEPA Filter Testing: This section contains essentials of DOE HEPA filter test program, procedures, requirements and quality assurance aspects applicable to HEPA filters used in DOE facilities.

blue dot imageHEPA Filter Test Facility: This section contains information about the DOE -accepted Filter Test Facility and its management, operation and quality assurance program.

blue dot imageDOE and National/International Standards: This section contains information about DOE and other national/international standards pertaining to use and testing of HEPA filters.

blue dot imageDesign & Performance: This section contains significant technical information presented in studies, reports, journals etc. for HEPA filters.

blue dot imageHEPA Filter Issues and Lessons Learned: This section contains major issues and lessons learned from the use of HEPA filters across DOE complex and other nuclear facilities.

blue dot imageDiscussion Forum: The discussion forum provides a virtual workspace for end users to post information regarding HEPA filters and their use.

Note: Additional content and links are currently under development.

This page was last updated on March 26, 2009
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