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May 9, 2009   
DOL Home > OASAM > Wirtz Labor Library > Law Library > Law Tips Archive > ERISA Advisory Opinions
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ERISA Advisory Opinions

In addition to finding current (1992-present) Advisory Opinions on the Employee Benefits Security Administration Web page and hard copies (1977-1997) in the Wirtz Labor Law Library, you can also obtain Advisory Opinions on Westlaw.

The database you will need to search is:


Coverage of Advisory Opinions begins in 1974 and continues up to present day as they are released.

A couple of tips from Westlaw if you are doing a key word search in Terms and Connectors:

  • To locate documents that reference a particular section of ERISA, use an INDEX field search, e.g., in (408).

  • Use a date restriction in your query to retrieve documents issued on a specific date, e.g., da (mm/dd/yyyy), or within a specific range of dates, e.g., da (aft mm/dd/yyyy & bef mm/dd/yyyy).


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