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CRS Reports

The Congressional Research Service (CRS), part of the Library of Congress, prepares its reports for the U.S. Congress. CRS products undergo review for accuracy and objectivity and contain non-technical information that can be very useful to people interested in all government topics

CRS does not itself provide these documents to the general public. Although CRS documents are prepared specifically for Congress and not widely distributed, their distribution is not protected by law or copyright.

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) info page. No CRS reports found on the CRS info page

Below are several good places to visit on the web to search and find CRS reports for free in PDF formats on all major areas of government agencies interests.

  1. National Council for Science and the Environment
  2. Foreign Press Centers
    Reports are arranged chronologically
  3. University of North Texas Libraries
  4. Open CRS project

Westlaw: CRS reports abstracts can be accessed through Westlaw in file CONGRESR. Westlaw has another file of full text CRS reports specifically dealing with tax topics at FTX-CRS starting with coverage in 1989

Commercial website for CRS reports, Penny Hill Press. Subscription needed, promising same day delivery of the CRS report you need.


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