About CTCNet

Dear CTCNet Members and Fans of CTCNet,

It has been a challenging year for CTCNet. The economy continues to negatively impact Tech Centers' abilities to continue needed services in their communities. Changes in programs, staff or the closing of centers has been an ongoing challenge to the field. CTCNet has and is going through similar challenges as we have transitioned through staff, programs & other forms of shifts in technology, support and the day-to-day work of the community technology field.

CTCNet is transitioning. We have difficult strategic decisions in front of us regarding the network’s focus and direction in light of the current economic and political climate. The 2008 annual conference happened within weeks of the US recession announcement. The announcement coupled with its ramifications have shaped the decision making process regarding the new direction of CTCNet.

Large funding to redistribute to members will not be as readily available in the near future. CTCNet, not unlike many technology centers across the US, is facing financial challenges given the shifting landscape and tough economic environment for fund raising.  Over the last fifteen years CTCNet has raised and redistributed more than $20M from grant programs, vendors, member dues, and private donors. The collective efforts of the CTCNet membership base and the CTCNet organization have and continue to change the lives of millions.  

The source of those redistributed grants and the interests of national sponsors have moved to new areas as technology and social interests have changed.  This has forced the board to look hard at our strategic direction and future.  Over the last 6 months the Executive Director and the Board have restructured CTCNet, reduced expenses dramatically, and sought new sources of funding and alliances. The pursuit of new funding sources has been challenging at best.

Given the confluence of these circumstances, the board has decided to return CTCNet to its roots.  Acting as a point of best practice aggregation, professional development tools, a communication conduit for the CTCs through list serves, an advocacy voice for community technology centers across the country, and an alliance partner for non-profit organizations with adjacent goals.   CTCNet will no longer serve as a re-granting organization.

We as a technology community cannot afford to lose our voice.  Your membership and participation will help ensure that the services you provide will continue to be the most effective and far reaching within your communities. We will work hard to maximize the services available to members in a manner similar to the origin of CTCNet.

Sincerely Board and Staff

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