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Connecting children and adults with disabilities to technology tools...
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Index

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The following are the most frequently asked questions of the Alliance for Technology Access. As technology and solutions continue to change, so do both the questions and their answers. We invite all visitors to this site to contribute, by sending either questions or suggested answers to us at our ATAinfo email address.

Many of the following questions contain links to other sources for a greater depth of coverage. Our links include:

  • the ATA book Computer and Web Resources for People with Disabilities
  • resources from the ATA website
  • resources on the World Wide Web

The questions are divided into the general categories of:

A. General Questions

B. Funding and Systemic Questions

C. Assistive Technology Training Questions

D. Specific Disability-Related Questions

E. Specific Technology Access Questions

F. Web Access Questions

G. Built-in Computer Features Questions

A. General Questions:

A1 What is Assistive Technology? How do I know if I need it?
A2 What's the best kind of computer to buy?
A3 What is AAC?
What are environmental controls?
Does assistive technology (AT) come with my computer?
Where can I find a low cost computer?
How do we go about creating an accessible computer lab/classroom?
What makes a good AT assessment?
Who is qualified to do AT assessments?

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B. Funding and Systemic Questions:

B1 How is AT in the schools (K-12)  funded? (IDEA)
B2 How can I get AT in my home for my (preschooler, school-age child, parent, friend, etc.)
B3 How is AAC funded? (Medicaid, insurance)
B4 How is AT for post secondary education or for a job funded? (Voc rehab)
B5 How can I fund technology for my retired family member, etc. who has ALS, a stroke, etc.?
B6 I need adaptive technology to be more independent in my home. Where do I get help? (Voc rehab)
B7 How can we ensure that the AT used in school is available in the home for the student to use? (IDEA)
B8 Is a school district responsible for putting AT in a private school setting? (IDEA)
B9 Is a school district responsible for providing AT in the home if a child is home tutored? (IDEA)
B10 Is a school district responsible for providing AT in the home if a child is home schooled? (IDEA)
B11 We are moving to a new school district. My daughter, who has a learning disability, uses Write:OutLoud and Co:Writer on a computer at school. The new school does not have any Assistive Technology at all. What can we do to make sure that she can continue to use the tools that have worked for her here? We have a computer at home with the software on it, but she needs it in school as well.
B12 Are there any organizations that loan or donate computers?
B13 Are there grants that are available to schools or classrooms that would help to fund AT?

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C. Assistive Technology Training Questions:

C1 What university programs in AT are available?
C2 Where can an educational team receive training in AT?
C3 What conferences are available that focus on AT?
C4 Where can I try AT devices and products before purchasing?
C5 I want to start a community technology center. What do I need to know?
C6 Where can I get AT certificates/licenses outside of the university system?

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D. Specific Disability-Related Questions:

D1 What software is good for a child with autism?
D2 What  technology is available for deaf/hard-of-hearing?
D3 What technology is available for blind/visually impaired?
D4 What technology is available for people with learning disabilities?
D5 What technology is available for people with spinal cord injuries?
D6 What technology is available for people with ALS/stroke?

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E. Specific Technology Access Questions:

E1 What is voice recognition?
E2 Is there a way for someone who cannot use their hands to access a computer?
E3 Is there a way for me to use a computer if I cannot see?
E4 How can I use a computer when I can't use a mouse?
E5 How can I use a computer effectively with one hand?
E6 How can I use the computer if I can't use a regular keyboard?
E7 I want to use the computer to write but I am a very slow typist. Is there anything that will help me to type faster?

E8 What can I do with a switch?
E9 What things will help me be more independent in my home? (high and low?)
E10 Is there software that will help me organize my writing more effectively?
E11 Is there a way for me to use the computer if I cannot read?
E12 How can a person with a disability access a telephone?
E13 How can a person with a disability access email or the Web?
E14 What is the role of a note taker?

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F. Web Access Questions:

F1 What makes a website accessible?
F2 What software/hardware can be used to access the Web by a person who cannot read?

G. Built-in Computer Features Questions:

G1 Are there any features that are already on my computer that will make it easier to use?
G2 I have difficulty seeing things on the screen. What features can help?
G3 I have difficulty using a mouse, what features can help me?
G4 Using a keyboard is difficult. Are there any built-in features to make typing easier, or to use the computer without the keyboard?
G5 What if I can not hear warning beeps and other system sounds?

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