[Federal Register: May 30, 2003 (Volume 68, Number 104)]
[Page 32573-32578]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

Discretionary Cooperative Agreement Program To Support and 
Promote Law Enforcement Pedestrian Safety Programs

AGENCY: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, DOT.

ACTION: Announcement of a discretionary cooperative agreement program 
to support and promote law enforcement pedestrian safety programs.


SUMMARY: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHSTA) 
announces a discretionary cooperative agreement program to provide 
funding to individuals and organizations in support of law enforcement 
programs to promote pedestrian safety. Law enforcement is a crucial 
partner and a key element in promoting safety, but may not be equipped 
with effective tools to protect the walking public. NHTSA has a guide 
book titled Law Enforcement Pedestrian Safety, which was developed in 
the early 1990's. That document is currently under revision, however, 
critical elements of law enforcement involvement in pedestrian safety 
remain unchanged: Visible enforcement reduces traffic violations; 
traffic enforcement can promote and enhance other law enforcement 
missions; prevention of crashes is part of law enforcement's role; and, 
promoting pedestrian safety can be a non-adversarial way to work within 
the community.
    NHTSA anticipates funding approximately four (4) demonstration 
projects for a minimum period of one year and a maximum period of two 
years. To this end, this cooperative agreement will support projects 
that promote law enforcement involvement in pedestrian safety programs.
    This notice solicits applications from public and private, non-
profit and not-for-profit organizations, State and local governments 
and their agencies, or a consortium of the above. Interested applicants 
must submit an application packet as further described in the 
application section of this notice. The application will be evaluated 
to determine the proposals that will receive funding under this 

DATES: Applications must be received in the office designated below on 
or before 1 p.m. (e.d.t.), on July 8, 2003.

ADDRESSES: Applications must be submitted to the National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Contracts and Procurement 
(NPO-220) Attention: April Jennings, 400 Seventh Street SW., Room 5301, 
Washington, DC 20590. All applications submitted must include a 
reference to NHTSA Cooperative Agreement Program Number DTNH22-03-H-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: General administrative questions may 
be directed to April Jennings, Office of Contracts and Procurement at 
202-366-9571, or by e-mail at ajennings@nhtsa.dot.gov. Programmatic 
questions relating to this cooperative agreement program should be 
directed to Essie Wagner, Safety Countermeasures Division, NHTSA, 400 
Seventh Street, SW. (NTI-121), Washington, DC 20590, by e-mail at 
ewagner@nhtsa.dot.gov or by phone at 202-366-0932. Interested 
applicants are advised that no separate application package exists 
beyond the contents of this announcement.



    Walking, whether it is to school, across the street, or even across 
the parking lot, is at best taken for granted, or at worst, is deemed 
too dangerous. Parents are increasingly reluctant to let their children 
walk to school because of safety considerations. Older people continue 
to drive after they should have

[[Page 32574]]

given it up because they feel safer on the street than crossing it. In 
2001, pedestrians accounted for 11\1/2\% of the nation's traffic 
fatalities and an estimated 78,000 injuries in police-reported crashes. 
Some portions of the population are at greater risk than others: for 
children under age 16, pedestrian crashes account for nearly 19% of the 
children killed in crashes in the year 2001; people over age 65 account 
for 21% of the pedestrian fatalities nationwide, though they account 
for only 13% of the population; alcohol involvement, either for the 
driver or for the pedestrian, was reported in 47% of the traffic 
crashes that resulted in a pedestrian fatality.
    In many jurisdictions, the role of law enforcement is limited to 
post-crash activities, with little prevention. However, there are 
agencies located across the country that have implemented innovative 
approaches to preventing pedestrian crashes. Different strategies have 
    [sbull] Pedestrian Decoy Operations--enforcement that targets 
specific crosswalks that are problem locations. Drivers who do not 
yield to the pedestrian in the crosswalk (often a plain-clothed law 
enforcement officer) are ticketed for the violation. This is paired 
with outreach to local media outlets to ensure that the public is aware 
of the effort and the requirement to yield to pedestrians.
    [sbull] Traffic Law Enforcement Trouble-Shooting Meetings--senior 
law enforcement agency personnel and officers assigned to traffic 
enforcement meet on a monthly basis to discuss particular traffic 
safety problems, crashes, and solutions. This creates an environment 
within the department that encourages and supports protecting 
pedestrian safety, and is responsive to problems that officers have 
    [sbull] Training Academy Courses--some training academies have 
separate courses that specifically address pedestrian safety 
enforcement issues. They train officers on how to meet the needs of the 
walking public and to promote safety among drivers. Adjudication of 
violations is addressed, and strategies for promoting pedestrian safety 
are discussed.
    [sbull] Civil Partnerships--some communities have pedestrian safety 
organizations as public-private partnerships. Law enforcement 
representation on the panel helps the policing agency to identify 
pedestrian safety problems and quickly move to eliminate them, and to 
work with local activists in a collaborative way.
    [sbull] Alcohol Outreach--in jurisdictions in which alcohol-related 
pedestrian crashes are frequent, law enforcement agencies have engaged 
servers and bar owners in discussion to encourage them to be mindful 
that even if their patrons are not driving, they can be at risk for 
pedestrian crashes. In turn, the servers discuss the issue with their 
patrons, and encourage them to find alternate ways home or to exercise 
special care while walking.
    Each of these approaches is a means of targeting the problem of 
pedestrian crash involvement. Each approach is tailored to the 
community in which it is implemented. In each department, the profile 
and importance of pedestrian safety is raised to a level that the 
community can support, because the community at large understands why 
law enforcement is taking action. These models of law enforcement can 
serve as a guide for other agencies to initiate programs and develop 
effective pedestrian crash countermeasures, to inform pedestrians and 
motorists of appropriate behavior, to reduce risky behavior, and to 
protect the walking public.
    The above approaches can be initiated and completed within a one to 
two year time frame. Moreover, these approaches are expected to build 
local support and capacity for efforts to improve safe walking. There 
may be other models and strategies that are not described above which 
may also be appropriate for demonstration and implementation.
    The challenge now before us is implementation--encouraging more 
departments to raise the priority of pedestrian safety. Law Enforcement 
Pedestrian Safety and its upcoming revision must not sit on a shelf. 
Rather the steps articulated in the document must be put into action to 
make walking safe for all. To help facilitate implementation efforts, 
NHTSA proposes to support approximately four (4) mini-grant programs 
aimed at putting into action law enforcement programs that promote 
pedestrian safety.
    Copies of Law Enforcement Pedestrian Safety (DOT HS 808 008) are 
available from NHTSA via the hotline number, 888-327-4236. More 
information about the role of law enforcement in pedestrian safety can 
be found at the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) Web 
site, www.walkinginfo.org/ee/enforcement.htm.


    The purpose of this cooperative agreement program is to support 
implementation of law enforcement pedestrian safety programs. 
Approximately four mini-grant projects addressing pedestrian safety 
will be supported. Each cooperative agreement recipient will be 
expected to coordinate an effort that promotes pedestrian safety 
through a comprehensive and sustained program through a law enforcement 
agency. Project length will vary depending on the scope of the proposed 
effort. However, projects will be considered for a minimum of one year 
and a maximum of two years.


    The objective is to provide seed monies to stakeholders for the 
purpose of implementing law enforcement pedestrian safety programs. 
Proposals may address any strategy or strategies, but must be supported 
by problem identification and/or crash data. Examples of possible 
projects include:
    1. Identify the key components of an enforcement-based education 
campaign for motorists and pedestrians and pilot-test a program built 
on these. Innovative methods are encouraged.
    2. Are there ways, other than a major public information campaign, 
of teaching motorists about watching for and yielding to pedestrians? 
If so, identify and pilot test innovative approaches.
    3. Identify and pilot test innovative ways to teach officers about 
pedestrian safety and how to properly enforce the local laws among 
motorists and pedestrians.
    4. With law enforcement, develop and test programs to encourage new 
partners, especially business and industry, to embrace and promote 
pedestrian safety.
    5. Implement and evaluate pedestrian safety activities specifically 
designed to address nontraditional and diverse populations (e.g., 
community-based education outreach; different ethnicities; 
disabilities; ages; geographical locations; etc.)
    6. Implement and evaluate a pedestrian safety program that 
addresses alcohol impairment among pedestrians.
    7. Identify and evaluate innovative enforcement efforts to enforce 
existing pedestrian safety laws. What methods of enforcement are most 
effective? Is there an association between enforcement and a decrease 
or increase in injuries and/or fatalities, or between enforcement and 
    8. Identify and evaluate how pedestrian crash data are collected 
and recorded by law enforcement. What are the data collection 
procedures and practices? How do these affect the determination of 
fault between the driver and pedestrian? Do unreported injury crashes 
appear in local emergency departments?

[[Page 32575]]

    9. Identify and evaluate pedestrian safety enforcement tools used 
to enforce traffic safety laws aimed at pedestrians and motorists. Who 
uses the tools? How are the tools used? Are the tools effective? What 
additional tools might be needed? How might these tools best be 
    10. Investigate how courts are currently adjudicating pedestrian-
related incidents. Include judicial outcomes.
    11. Assess the availability and adequacy of pedestrian-related data 
and reporting systems used by courts.
    12. Implement and evaluate a department-wide enforcement initiative 
to enforce pedestrian crossing laws that affects both motorists and 
pedestrians. Are there fewer violations? How often must targeted 
enforcement efforts be implemented to influence change within the 
    13. Implement and evaluate a department-wide assessment program 
that carefully examines each reported pedestrian crash on a monthly 
basis, communicates the findings to the traffic law enforcement 
division, and executes countermeasures immediately to prevent 
recurrence of similar crashes.
    14. Demonstrates successful strategies to effectively work with 
local engineers and State and local departments of transportation to 
implement engineering solutions to improve pedestrian safety.

NHTSA Involvement

    NHTSA will be involved in all activities undertaken as part of the 
cooperative agreement program and will:
    1. Provide a Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) 
to participate in the planning and management of this cooperative 
agreement and to coordinate activities between the Grantee And NHTSA.
    2. Provide information and technical assistance from government 
sources within available resources and as determined appropriate by the 
    3. Serve as a liaison between NHTSA Headquarters, Regional Offices, 
and others (Federal, State, and local) interested in reducing 
pedestrian-related injuries and fatalities and promoting the activities 
of the grantee.
    4. Review and provide comments on program content, materials, and 
evaluation activities.
    5. Stimulate the transfer of information among grant recipients and 
others engaged in pedestrian safety activities.

Availability of Funds

    Approximately $300,000 is available to fund a number of projects 
for up to $75,000 each. The total number of awards will depend on the 
quality of the projects submitted for consideration. Given the amount 
of funds available for this effort, applicants are strongly encouraged 
to seek other funding opportunities to supplement the Federal funds. 
Preference will be given to applicants with cost-sharing proposals. At 
the discretion of the government, funds may be obligated fully at the 
time of award of the cooperative agreement or incrementally over the 
period of the cooperative agreement. Nothing in this solicitation 
should be construed as committing NHTSA to make any award.

Period of Performance

    The period of performance for this cooperative agreement will be 
not more than two (2) years from the effective date of award. However, 
the actual period of performance will depend on the scope of work for 
the submitted project.

Eligibility Requirements

    Applications may be submitted by public and private, non-profit and 
not-for-profit organizations, and State and local governments and their 
agencies or a consortium of the above. Thus, universities, colleges, 
research institutions, hospitals, other public and private (non- or 
not-for-profit) organizations, and State and local governments are 
eligible to apply. Applications must fully involve law enforcement 
agencies, including letters of support from the agency head, and an 
officer that is assigned responsibility for the project explicitly 
identified in the application. Interested applicants are advised that 
no fee or profit will be allowed under this cooperative agreement 
    To be eligible to participate in this cooperative agreement, 
applicants must meet the following special competencies:
    1. Demonstrate expertise in traffic safety, program development and 
implementation, and knowledge and experience in pedestrian safety 
issues in the community that is to receive the award. Demonstrate 
knowledge and familiarity with data sources (including local data) 
needed to determine the incidence of pedestrian-related injuries, and 
access to the local data sources.
    2. Demonstrate capability of technical and management skills to 
successfully administer and complete projects in a timely manner. 
Include a narrative description of the documented experience, clearly 
indicating the relationship to this project and providing details such 
as project description and sponsoring agency. References to completed 
final project reports should include author's name.
    3. Demonstrate capacity to:
    a. Design, implement, and evaluate innovative approaches for 
addressing difficult problems related to issues associated with 
pedestrian safety, crashes, and injuries;
    b. Work successfully with pedestrian and other community groups;
    c. Collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data; and
    d. Synthesize, summarize, and report results, which are usable and 
    4. Demonstrate experience in working in partnership with others, 
for example, law enforcement, engineering departments, schools, 
government agencies, the media, etc.

Application Procedures

    Each applicant must submit one (1) original and two (2) copies of 
the application package to: NHTSA, Office of Contracts and Procurement 
(NPO-220), 400 Seventh Street, SW., Room 5301, Washington, DC 20590. 
Applications must include a completed Application for Federal 
Assistance (Standard Form 424--Revised 4/88). An additional two copies 
will facilitate the review process, but are not required.
    Only complete packages received on or before 1 p.m., July 8, 2003 
will be considered. No facsimile transmissions will be accepted. 
Applications must be typed on one side of the page only and contain a 
reference to NHTSA Cooperative Agreement Number DTNH22-03-H-05078. 
Unnecessarily elaborate applications beyond what is sufficient to 
present a complete and effective response to this invitation are not 
desired. Please direct cooperative agreement application questions to 
April Jennings, at 202-366-9571 or by e-mail at 
ajennings@nhtsa.dot.gov. Programmatic questions should be directed to 
Essie Wagner, by e-mail at ewagner@nhtsa.dot.gov or by phone at 202-

Application Contents

    A. The application package must be submitted with OMB Standard Form 
424, (Rev 7-97 or 4-88, including 424A and 424B), Application for 
Federal Assistance, including 424A, Budget Information--Nonconstruction 
Program, and 424B, Assurances--Non-construction Programs, with the 
required information provided and the certified assurances included. 
While the Form 424-A deals with budget information, and Section B 
identifies Budget Categories, the available space does not permit a 
level of detail which is sufficient to provide for a meaningful

[[Page 32576]]

evaluation of the proposed costs. A supplemental sheet should be 
provided which presents a detailed breakout of the proposed costs 
(detail labor, including labor category, level of effort, and rate; 
direct materials, including itemized equipment; travel and 
transportation, including projected trips and number of people 
traveling; subcontractors/subgrantees, with similar detail, if known; 
and overhead), as well as any costs the applicant proposes to 
contribute or obtain from other sources in support of the projects in 
the project plan. The estimated costs should be separated and proposed 
on the basis of individual Federal fiscal years, i.e. beginning October 
1, 2003 through September 30, 2004; October 1, 2004 through September 
30, 2005; etc. No more than 10% of the funds from the NHTSA award may 
be used for overtime pay of officers. No more than 10% of the funds 
from the NHTSA award may be used for travel.
    B. Funding sources other than the funds being provided through this 
cooperative agreement are encouraged. Since activities may be performed 
with a variety of financial resources, applicants need to fully 
identify all project costs and their funding sources in the proposed 
budget. The proposed budget must identify all funding sources in 
sufficient detail to demonstrate that the overall objectives of the 
project will be met.
    C. Program Narrative Statement: Proposal must fully describe the 
scope of the project, detailing the activities and costs for which 
funding is being requested. Also, applications for this program must 
include the following information in the program narrative statement:
    1. A table of contents including page number references.
    2. A description of the community in which the grantee proposes to 
implement or pilot test a pedestrian safety program effort. For the 
purpose of this program a community includes a city, town, or county, 
small metropolitan area or a group of cities, towns, or counties in 
particular region that is covered by one or more law enforcement 
agencies that will be actively involved in this cooperative agreement. 
It should be large enough so that the program can have a demonstrable 
effect on walking and pedestrian safety. The description of the 
community should include, at a minimum, community demographics 
including population, the community's pedestrian safety problems, data 
sources available, existing traffic safety programs, pedestrian 
crossing laws, pedestrian education programs, and community resources.
    3. A description of the project's or program's goal and how the 
grantee plans to meet the goal. The grantee must be specific with 
respect to the particular problem being addressed and how the grantee 
will successfully address the issues. For example, if the grantee is 
proposing to review and evaluate existing materials, how will the 
materials be identified? What partnerships may be necessary? What 
criteria will be used to evaluate the materials? How will the results 
be reported? Include letters of agreement and support, as appropriate.
    4. A description of the specific activity proposed by the grantee. 
What actions will be undertaken to support the proposed project? What 
partners need to be involved in the effort to ensure success? To what 
degree has the buy-in of these groups been secured? How does the 
proposed project contribute to improving pedestrian safety? What is 
``success'' and how will it be determined?
    5. A description of the analytic plan, including how information 
(data) will be obtained, compiled, analyzed, and reported.
    6. A description of how the proposed project will be managed. The 
application shall identify the proposed project manager and other 
personnel considered critical to the successful accomplishment of the 
project, including a brief description of their qualifications and 
respective organizational responsibilities. The role and 
responsibilities of the grantee and any others included in the 
application package shall be specified. The proposed level of effort in 
performing the various activities shall also be identified.
    7. A detailed explanation of time schedules, milestones, and 
product deliverables, including quarterly reports and draft and final 
reports. (See Terms and Conditions of Award.)
    8. A separately-labeled section with information demonstrating that 
the applicant meets all of the special requirements outlined in the 
Eligibility Requirements section of this announcement.
    D. Commitment and Support: When other sources and organizations are 
required to complete the proposed effort, the grantee shall provide 
proof of such organizations' willingness to cooperate on the effort. In 
this cooperative agreement, the official in charge of the participating 
law enforcement agency must provide proof of willingness to cooperate. 
Such proof can be a letter of support or buy-in indicating what the 
organization will supply to the grantee. All critical partners shall 
provide letters of support, detailing what work the partner will do or 
what resources the partner will provide.

Application Review Process and Criteria

    Each application package will be reviewed initially to confirm that 
the applicant is an eligible recipient, and has included all of the 
items specified in the Application Procedures section of this 
announcement. Each complete application from an eligible recipient will 
then be evaluated by an Evaluation Committee. The applications will be 
evaluated using the following criteria:

A. Program Approach (25 percent)

    The extent to which the applicant is knowledgeable about law 
enforcement and other pedestrian safety efforts and programs. The 
extent to which the applicant clearly identifies and explains creative 
approaches to address pedestrian-related injuries and fatalities. If 
building on an existing approach or program, what are the innovative, 
new, or creative features that make this project different from what 
has been tried in the past? Has the applicant identified potential 
barriers associated with developing and implementing the new, creative 
approach? Has the applicant offered solutions for addressing the 
barriers? Has the applicant demonstrated how the project may be 
adaptable to other jurisdictions at a reasonable cost? Has the 
applicant identified partners and groups to work on the proposed 
project? Has the applicant specified who will be involved and what each 
will contribute to the project? What new or non-traditional partners 
has the applicant involved in the project?

B. Goals, Objectives, and Work Plan (20 percent)

    The extent to which the applicant's goals are clearly articulated 
and the objectives are time-phased, specific, action-oriented, 
measurable, and achievable. The extent to which the work plan will 
achieve an outcome-oriented result that ultimately will reduce 
pedestrian-related crashes, injuries, and fatalities. The work plan 
must address what the applicant proposes to develop and implement; how 
this will be accomplished; and what major tasks/milestones are 
necessary to complete the project. This involves identification of, and 
solutions to, potential technical problems and critical issues related 
to successful completion of the project. The work

[[Page 32577]]

plan will be evaluated with respect to its feasibility, realism, and 
ability to achieve desired outcomes.

C. Special Competencies (15 percent)

    The extent to which the applicant has met the special competencies 
(see Eligibility Requirements) including knowledge of and familiarity 
with law enforcement roles in pedestrian safety issues associated with 
the proposed intervention or effort, technical and management skills 
needed to successfully design, conduct, and evaluate the proposed 
effort; ability to work with various organizations and the walking 
community to implement programs or compile data; ability to design and 
implement approaches for addressing pedestrian safety related problems; 
and experience in fostering new programs within law enforcement 

Project Management and Staffing (20 percent)

    The extent to which the proposed staff are clearly described, 
appropriately assigned, and have adequate skills and experience. The 
extent to which the applicant has the capacity and facilities to 
administer and execute the proposed project. The extent to which the 
applicant has provided details regarding the level of effort and 
allocation of time for each staff position. The extent to which the 
applicant has design/evaluation expertise and expertise working with 
the community. The applicant must furnish an organizational chart and 
r[eacute]sum[eacute]s of each proposed staff member. The applicant must 
include letters of commitment from the official in charge of the 
participating law enforcement agency. Is the applicant's staffing plan 
reasonable for accomplishing the objectives of the project within the 
time frame set forth in the announcement? Is the timeline submitted by 
the grantee reasonable? Has the applicant's financial budget provided 
sufficient detail to allow NHTSA to determine that the estimated costs 
are reasonable and necessary to perform the proposed effort? Has 
financial or in-kind commitment of resources by the applicant's 
organization or other supporting organizations been clearly identified?

E. Analytic Plan (20 percent)

    The extent to which the analytic plan clearly articulates the 
project's potential to make a significant impact on improving 
pedestrian safety or reducing pedestrian crashes, and associated 
injuries and fatalities. The extent to which the analytic plan 
indicates how the information/data collected in the project will be 
compiled, analyzed, interpreted and reported. When information is 
qualitative, what criteria will be used to analyze it? Are there 
sufficient data/information sources and is access ensured from 
appropriate owners or collectors of data to obtain and appropriately 
analyze the quantitative and qualitative information needed on the 
proposed project?

Special Award Selection Factors

    While not a requirement of this announcement, applicants are 
strongly urged to seek funds from other Federal, State, local, and 
private sources to augment those available under this announcement. For 
those applications that are evaluated as meritorious for consideration 
of award, preference may be given to those that have proposed cost-
sharing strategies and/or other proposed funding sources in addition to 
those in this announcement.

Terms and Conditions of Award

    1. Prior to award, each grantee must comply with the certification 
requirements of 49 CFR part 20, Department of Transportation New 
Restrictions on Lobbying, and 49 CFR part 29, Department of 
Transportation Government-wide Debarment and Suspension (Non-
procurement) and Government-wide Requirement for Drug Free Work Place 
    2. Reporting Requirements and Deliverables:
    A. Quarterly Progress Reports must include a summary of the 
previous quarter's activities and accomplishments, as well as the 
proposed activities for the upcoming quarter. Any decisions and actions 
required in the upcoming quarter should be included in the report. Any 
problems and issues that may arise and need the attention of the 
Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) or Contracting 
Officer (CO) should be clearly identified in the quarterly report in a 
specific, identified section. The grantee shall supply the progress 
report to the COTR every ninety (90) days, following date of award.
    B. Initial and Subsequent Meetings with COTR: The grantee will meet 
with the COTR and appropriate NHTSA staff at NHTSA's offices in 
Washington DC to discuss and refine the development, implementation, 
and evaluation of the project. The grantee will prepare a 20 to 30 
minute presentation describing the project and will be prepare to 
answer questions from the COTR and others present at the briefing. 
After this initial meeting with the COTR, the grantee should meet at 
least once a year with the COTR in Washington DC at NHTSA's offices, or 
at a mutually agreed-to conference, to discuss the project's progress 
and results. These meetings will be a minimum of 4 hours in length. No 
fewer than three meetings should be proposed.
    C. Revised Project Plan: If needed, the grantee will submit a 
revised project plan incorporating verbal and written comments from the 
COTR. This revised plan is due no more than one (1) month after the 
date of the initial meeting with COTR.
    D. Draft Final Report: The grantee will prepare a Draft Final 
Report that includes a description of the project, issue addressed, 
program implementation (if revelant), analytic strategies, findings, 
and recommendations. With regard to technology transfers, it is 
important to know what worked and what did not work, under what 
circumstances, what can be done to enhance replication in similar 
communities, and what can be done to avoid potential problems for 
future replication of the project. This is true even if the applicant 
reviewed and documented existing programs. The grantee will submit a 
Draft Final Report to the COTR 60 days prior to the end of the 
performance period. The COTR will review the Draft Final Report and 
provide comments to the grantee within 30 days of receipt of the 
    E. Final Report: The grantee will revise the Draft Final Report to 
reflect the COTR's comments. The revised final report will be delivered 
to the COTR 15 days before the end of the performance period.
    F. Requirements for Printed Material: The print materials shall be 
provided in NHTSA in both camera-ready and appropriate media formats 
(disk, CD-ROM) with graphics and printing specifications to guide 
NHTSA's printing office and any outside organization implementing the 
program. Printing Specification follow.
    a. Digital artwork for printing shall be provided to NHTSA on 
diskette (100MG Zip disk or 1GB Jaz disk). Files should be in current 
desktop design and publication programs, for example, Adobe 
Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Pagemaker, Macromedia Freehand, 
QuarkXPress. The grantee shall provide all supporting files and fonts 
(both screen and printers) needed for successful output, black and 
white laser separations of all pages, disk directory(s) with printing 
specifications provided to the Government Printing Office (GPO) on GPO 
Form 952 to guide NHTSA's printing office, GPO, and any outside 
organizations assisting with

[[Page 32578]]

program production. The grantee shall confer with the COTR to verify 
all media format and language.
    b. Additionally, the program materials shall be submitted in the 
following format for placement on NHTSA's Web site on the World Wide 
    [sbull] Original application format, for example, *pm5; *doc; *ppt; 
    [sbull] HTML level 3.2 or later.
    [sbull] A PDF file for viewing with Adobe Acrobat.
    c. All HTML deliverables must be delivered on either a standard 
3.5'' floppy disk or on a Windows 95 compatible formatted Iomegal zip 
disk and labeled with the following information:
    [sbull] Grantee's name and phone number.
    [sbull] Names of relevant files.
    [sbull] Application program and version used to create the file(s).
    [sbull] If the files exceed the capacity of a high density floppy, 
a Windows 95 compatible formatted Iomega zip disk is acceptable.
    d. Graphics must be saved in Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) or 
Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEB). Graphics should be prepared in 
the smallest size possible, without reducing the usefulness or the 
readability of the figure on the screen. Use GIF for solid color or 
black and white images, such as bar charts, maps, or diagrams. Use JPEG 
(highest resolution and lowest compression) for photographic images 
having a wider range of color or grey-scale tones. When in doubt, try 
both formats and use the one that gives the best image quality for the 
smallest file size. Graphic files can be embedded in the body of the 
text or linked from the body text in their own files: the latter is 
preferable when a figure needs to be viewed full screen (640 x 480 
pixels) to be readable.
    [sbull] Tabular data must be displayed in HTML table format.
    [sbull] List data must be displayed in HTML list format.
    [sbull] Pre-formatted text is not acceptable.
    [sbull] Currently, frames are not acceptable.
    [sbull] JAVA, is used, must not affect the readability or 
usefulness of the document, only enhance it.
    [sbull] Table background colors may be used, but must not be relied 
upon (for example, a white document background with a table with 
colored background may look nice with white text, but the colored 
background doesn't show up on the user's browser the text shall be 
white against white and unreadable.)
    [sbull] All HTML documents must be saved in PC format and tested on 
a PC before delivery.
    e. During all phases of program development, draft program contents 
and materials shall be provided to the COTR, as appropriate, for 
approval and coordination within NHTSA.
    f. All HTML deliverables rendered under this cooperative agreement 
must comply with the accessibility standards at 36 CFR 1194.22 which 
implements section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. 
This standard is available for viewing at the Access Board Web site at: 
http://www.access-board.gov/sec508/guide/1194.22.htm. Unless otherwise 
indicated, the grantee agrees by signing this cooperative agreement 
that all deliverable will comply with the accessibility standards.
    g. Final project briefing to NHTSA and a presentation to a national 
meeting: The grantee will deliver a briefing in Washington, DC at 
NHTSA's offices to the COTR and appropriate NHTSA staff to review the 
project implementation, evaluations, and results. This presentation 
shall last no less than 30 minutes and the grantee shall be prepared to 
answer questions from the briefing's attendees.
    In consultation with the COTR, the grantee will attend a national 
meeting to deliver a presentation of the project and it effectiveness.
    h. The Grantee will deliver an electronic Microsoft PowerPoint 
presentation that NHTSA staff shall be able to use to brief senior 
staff or pedestrian partners at various meetings and conferences.
    3. During the effective performance period of the cooperative 
agreements awarded as a result of this announcement, the agreements 
shall be subject to the National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration's General Provisions for Assistance Agreement, dated 
July 1995.

    Issued on: May 20, 2003.
Marilena Amoni,
Associate Administrator for Program Development and Delivery.
[FR Doc. 03-13493 Filed 5-29-03; 8:45 am]