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American Association for Respiratory Care - AARC

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Other Contact Information

9425 N. MacArthur Blvd. Suite 100

Irving, TX 75063-4706

972-243-2272 (Voice)
972-484-2720 (FAX)


The American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC), formerly the American Association for Respiratory Therapy, is dedicated to serving the needs of health professionals working in the field of respiratory care. AARC accredits, records, and reports continuing education programs; provides information about advances in the field; and provides a forum for discussion. The Association arranges educational programs, meetings, and seminars; and sponsors video-teleconferences and community affairs programs. AARC monitors legislative developments in the field and publishes two monthly periodicals; it is sponsored by several professional associations in the medical field.

Online Resources

Print Resources

AARC publishes patient education materials; it also develops education materials for practitioners, such as videotapes and study manuals. Serial publications: Respiratory Care (journal), monthly--reviews of technical developments, original research, respiratory therapy techniques; AARC Times (magazine), monthly--articles discussing management tips, educational articles, how-to articles, reports on current government trends, and employment opportunities.

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Review Date

Thu May 15, 2008