University of Minnesota Systemwide Home Page
Children, Youth and Family Consortium Home Page


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Center of Excellence in Children's Mental Health

President's Initiative on Children, Youth, and Families

President's Initiative on Children, Youth and Families

Growing Concerns

Growing Concerns
A childrearing
column with
Dr. Martha Farrell Erickson


Seeds of Promise

Seeds of Promise
A series of public reports
that blend research
and practical strategies.


University Promise: Relizing the University's Promise for Minnesota Children and Youth

University of Promise
Realizing the
University's Promise
for Minnesota
Children and Youth


Child Development, Family, Health, and Education Research




The Children, Youth and Family Consortium's web site is a bridge to a wide range of information and resources about children and families. It connects research, teaching, policy, and community practice. And, it seeks to advance greater understanding, shared knowledge, and action that is informed and deliberate.

The Children Youth and Family Consortium (CYFC) began last year to organize a major portion of its work around theme areas as a way to address children, youth and family issues in greater depth. The first theme during the 2005-06 academic year was “Policy From A Family Perspective.”  Several issues of Connections and a number of events focused on topics related to family policy.

In 2006, CYFC began a new three-year focus on the topic of “Educational Disparities,” more commonly known as the achievement gap – a critical issue in Minnesota, which has one of the largest achievement gaps in the nation.

CYFC considers educational disparities to be the differences in educational opportunities and outcomes among various groups of people, often defined by race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or geography. Much of the work on the achievement gap has focused primarily on student differences in outcomes or achievement; CYFC’s work will also look at the disparities in opportunities.

As is the practice in all of its work, CYFC will address educational disparities from ecological and development perspectives.

The goal of CYFC’s work related to Educational Disparities is to move beyond talking about it and put into action some potential tools to reduce the gap in Minnesota. CYFC will be consulting and working with partners from many parts of the University and the community to make this happen. We invite you to check out our section on educational disparities often.

Minnesota Children's Summit 2003

Minnesota Childrens' Summit

Consortium Connections
The Consortium's publication,
printed twice yearly.


Mail to: Driving Directions


Home | About CYFC | Policy | Experts Database | Publications |Features | Events Calendar | Community Partnerships

Communities | Early Childhood | School-Age Children | Adolescents | Family Relationships and Parenting | Seniors and Intergenerational Issues

The Children, Youth and Family Consortium's Website is a forum for sharing information and exchanging ideas.
The Consortium welcomes diverse points of view. While we strive to maintain a high level of quality, research based information,
the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position of the Consortium or the University of Minnesota,
nor does the Consortium or the University recommend, endorse, verify or confirm information submitted.
Copyright 2002, University of Minnesota Children, Youth and Family Consortium.

This page was last updated on Monday, March 9, 2009 4:22 PM