Richard Peery, a first responder to Katrina disaster

Richard Peery, Regional Emergency Communications Planner, Federal Acquisition Service, Fort Worth, TX says, "GSA is a leader in federal emergency management and also in the supply and services side of emergency response."
  • - Richard (Russ) Peery started working for GSA in 1992 and was able to transfer from Atlanta, Ga., back to his home in Fort Worth, Texas. He was interested in the opportunities offered by GSA.

  • - Russ originally worked as a customer service liaison in Federal Supply, helping customers place orders on Schedules, GSA Advantage and Global Supply. He is currently an IT manager in the Network Services Division for Region 7 under the agency’s Federal Acquisition Service. With several responsibilities, his primary concern is his emergency communications role. He is also a technical and subject matter expert on Internet Protocol version 6.

    Richard Peery leaving a cave.
    Russ tours the Pueblo Arroyo cliff dwellings near Gallup, New Mexico.
  • - Russ also serves as regional emergency communications planner with responsibilities that include ensuring GSA has plans in case of a disaster, terrorist, or natural event that might affect internal operations. When there is a presidential disaster declaration, Russ switches hats and works for National Communication System, which means he would work with other agencies coordinating efforts to ensure continued communications and business operations during and after emergency incidents.

  • - Russ works closely with FEMA when a joint field office or a disaster office is established. He works with them to ensure first responders’ networks are available. In addition, he coordinates the restoration of first responder and industry networks so agencies can maintain voice and data connectivity.

  • - Russ’ most rewarding project was when he was the lead for restoring all communications during Hurricane Katrina. “I was in New Orleans, pre-landfall of Hurricane Katrina, and spent the last two years working on the restoration of all communications in southeast Louisiana,” he said. “We had to completely rebuild the local communications systems. That was the biggest project that we had on our plate. It impacted so many local people and made their lives a lot safer,” he added.

  • - The pride and joy of Russ and his wife are their two grandsons, ages six and ten. The boys play baseball and a little bit of soccer. They are also involved in Cub Scouts and youth groups at church.

    Do you know someone we should feature in Faces of GSA? If so, please submit a 200-word write-up on why the person is a good candidate. Include job description, successful projects, awards, and outside hobbies. Email it to
Last Reviewed 2/27/2009