[Deschler's Precedents] [From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access] [DOCID:52093c12_txt-18] [Page 1753-1754] CHAPTER 12 Conduct or Discipline of Members, Officers, or Employees B. NATURE AND FORMS OF DISCIPLINARY MEASURES Sec. 17. Imposition of Fine A fine may be levied by the House against a Member pursuant to its constitutional authority to punish its Members (Art. I, Sec. 5, clause 2).(1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. See H. Rept. No. 90-27, 90th Cong. 1st Sess. (1967), ``In Re Adam Clayton Powell, Report of Select Committee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,'' pp. 28, 29. See also, 2 Hinds' Precedents 1665, p. 1142, for the Senate censure case of McLaurin and Tillman, both Senators from South Carolina, 57th Cong.; see also remarks of Senator Mills (Tex.) in debate on charges against Senator Roach (N.D.), 25 Cong. Rec. 162, 53d Cong. 1st Sess., Apr. 15, 1893. ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fine of Member For Acts Committed in Prior Congress Sec. 17.1 The House agreed to a resolution providing for the imposition of a fine against a Member-elect charged with misuse of appropriated funds in a prior Congress. In 1967, the recommendation of a House committee that Member-elect Adam Clayton Powell, of New York, be fined was considered and rejected in favor of a resolution that he be excluded.(2) Two --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. See H. Rept. No. 90-27, 90th Cong. 1st Sess. (1967), ``In Re Adam Clayton Powell, Report of Select Committee Pursuant to H. Res. 1,'' p. 33. The committee recommended that ``(3) Adam Clayton Powell, as punishment (for improper expenditure of House funds for private purposes, and for maintaining a person on his clerk-hire payroll who performed no official duties whatever or did not perform them in Washington, D.C., or in the Member's district), pay the Clerk of the House, to be disposed of by him according to law, $40,000; that the Sergeant at Arms of the House be directed to deduct $1,000 per month from the salary otherwise due Mr. Powell and pay the same to the Clerk, said deductions to continue until said sum of $40,000 is fully paid; and that said sums received by the Clerk shall offset any civil liability of Mr. Powell to the United States of America with respect to the matters referred to in paragraphs second and third above (matter in parentheses).'' See also H. Res. 278, 90th Cong. 1st Sess. The motion for the previous question on this resolution containing the select committee recommendation was defeated (113 Cong. Rec. 5020, Mar. 1, 1967), and a substitute amendment excluding the Member- elect was proposed and adopted (113 Cong. Rec. 5037, 5038, Mar. 1, 1967). See also Sec. 14.1, supra. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [[Page 1754]] years later, however, on Jan. 3, 1969,(3) the House agreed to a resolution which included a provision for a fine of $25,000 to be deducted on a monthly basis from Mr. Powell's salary. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. 115 Cong. Rec. 29, 34, 91st Cong. 1st Sess., Jan. 3, 1969 [H. Res. 2]. After having been excluded from the 90th Congress (see 14, supra), Mr. Powell won re-election to the 91st Congress, but was required to pay a fine for improper expenditures made prior to the 90th Congress. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------