“Stakeholders involved in StEP will benefit through globally standardized, safe and environmentally-proven processes for disposal, reduction or reuse and recycling of e-scrap.”

- Konrad Osterwalder, UN Under Secretary-General and UNU Rector

“Flection International joined StEP since this is the platform & knowledgebase for best practices, ideas and future developments concerning ICT recycling and re-use”

- Joep van Loon, Managing Director Flection International b.v.

“HP has joined StEP to help countries work through the many legal, scientific and practical issues involved in managing e-waste, treatment standards, and innovative design to maximize re-use and recycling.”

- Klaus Hieronymi, Environmental Business Manager Hewlett-Packard Europe, Middle East and Africa

“MIT’s MSL is participating in StEP because we believe it is an effective mechanism for collaborating on important research topics with a broad range of stakeholders. StEP is structured in a manner to insure that its research has impact.”

- Joel P. Clark, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Engineering System, Founder and Director of the Materials Systems Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

“Ericsson believes that StEP will make a valuable contribution to industry, in particular in establishing global best practices for evaluating recycling, waste treatment and asset management businesses.”

- Per Jomer, Ericsson Vice President, Group Strategy

“E-waste issues now become global and require cooperations & supports from all key stakeholders. I have the confidence that StEP Initiative can serve as the neutral focal point to exchange experience and expertise to provide the appropriate solutions”

- Charuek Hengrasmee, President, Electrical and Electronics Institute, Thailand

“Challenges related to EEE product and material flows require more and more a global and multi-disciplinary collaboration. The PLM research group at TU Braunschweig joins StEP to tackle these challenges with global partners in joint research projects.”

- Christoph Herrmann, Head of the research group Product- and Life-Cycle Management at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

“At Nokia, we are continuously looking for innovative and sustainable ways to improve and expand our recycling programs. We joined StEP for the opportunity to share information and develop best practices with others that have the same vision.”

- Markus Terho, Director, Environmental Affairs, Nokia

“We strongly support the StEP initiative as a way to foster cooperation among stakeholders, develop needed infrastructure at a global scale, optimize interfaces between manual, mechanical and metallurgical recycling and recovery processes.”

- Hugo Morel, Executive Vice President of Umicore Precious Metals Services


StEP's work is founded on scientific assessments and incorporates a comprehensive view of the social, environmental and economic aspects of e-waste.


StEP conducts research on the entire life-cycle of electronic and electrical equipment and their corresponding global supply, process and material flows.


StEP's research and pilot projects are meant to contribute to the solution of e-waste problems.


StEP condemns all illegal activities related to e-waste including illegal shipments and reuse/ recycling practices that are harmful to the environment and human health.


StEP seeks to foster safe and eco/energy-efficient reuse and recycling practices around the globe in a socially responsible manner.

In the spotlight: the global e-waste problem

Welcome to StEP – an initiative of various UN organizations with the overall aim to solve the e-waste problem. Together with prominent members from industry, governments, international organizations, NGOs and the science sector actively participating in StEP, we initiate and facilitate approaches towards the sustainable handling of e-waste. In five Task Forces feasible, just and environmentally safe solutions for the e-waste problem are developed through analysis, planning and pilot projects.

StEP – the initiative

An overview of the main objectives and a brief look back at the history of StEP. More...

StEP – the actors

Get to know the actors around StEP: contact persons and members.

Policy & Legislation

The analysis of existing approaches and policies for e-waste in order to issue recommendations for future developments.


Efforts to support the design for better reuse, repair, refurbishment and recycling.


The development of a replicable and sustainable global reuse system to minimize environmental impacts.


The enhancement of global recycling infrastructures to realize sustainable e-waste recycling systems.

Capacity Building

The documentation of all results achieved by the Task Forces in order to make them globally accessible and increase awareness.

StEP WorkWeb


2008-10-15 - 1st World ReUse Forum - Successful conclusion

The 1st World ReUse Forum in conjunction with the Electronics Goes Green Conference 2008+, 7 - 10 Se ... read more

2008-10-12 - REWAS: Programme for E-Waste workshop now available

The E-Waste related Programme during the 2008 GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM ON RECYCLING, WASTE, TREATMENT AND CL ... read more

2008-10-06 - WasteCon08: Final E-Waste Programme now available

The E-Waste related Programme during 19th WASTE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITIO
(WasteCon ... read more

2008-06-27 - Basel Convention Launches PACE

The Basel Convention on the Control of
Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their ... read more

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2008-11-19 to 2008-11-21: RECCON 08 International Conference on Plastic Recycling

StEP Member GAIKER Technological Centre is organizing the Congress entitled "RECCON´08 Internationa ... read more

2009-02-04 to 2009-02-05: E-Waste Forum for Arab States

StEP is co-organising an international E-waste Forum for the Arab States. Key-organiser is the StEP ... read more

2009-05-12 to 2009-05-14: Next StEP General Assembly is now scheduled to take place from 12-14 May 2009 in Bonn (Germany)

The next StEP General Assembly is now scheduled to take place from 12-14 May 2009 in Bonn (Germany). ... read more

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