A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Motorcycle Rider at Fort Sage OHV Area Wild Horse Mtn. Bike Rider on the Bizz Johnson Trail Eagle Lake at Rocky Point Sage Grouse
BLM>California>Eagle Lake>Bizz Johnson Trail - regulations
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Eagle Lake Field Office

Trail use regulations - Bizz Johnson Trail

To protect natural resources and provide a safe recreation experience for all, the following regulations are in effect along the trail:

Motorized vehicles are prohibited on the trail between Susanville and the last Susan River crossing (2.4 miles west of Goumaz). Snowmobiles are allowed west of Devils Corral. All vehicles are prohibited from travel along or in the Susan River channel.

Firearms discharge is prohibited on or across the trail and at all trailheads. Hunting is allowed off the trail, under county and state codes. Caution is advised. Usually other trail users are in the canyon also!

What you pack in, pack out! Do not bury or burn your noncombustible trash, as this can create a mess. Animals often uncover buried trash and scatter it. When you can, try to pick up what others have left. We can keep the trail beautiful if we leave the area cleaner than we find it!

Do not use soap or detergents in or around the river. Carry water from the river to wash dishes and yourself.
For human waste, dig a hole six to eight inches deep, located more than 100 feet from the water or trail. Cover all waste and toilet paper with soil.

Drinking water from the river should be boiled or treated. Cattle and stock use the river upstream.
Springs in the area have not been tested, and water from these should be treated also.

Some sections of the trail are bordered by private property. Obey signs and stay on the trail in these areas.
Respect the rights of private landowners.

Share the trail.
Bicyclists yield to walkers, and walkers and bicyclists yield to horseback riders. When overtaking another trail user, let them know you are approaching to you so do not startle them or their horse.

-Primitive camping is allowed along the trail on BLM and US Forest Service Land. There is a
seven-day camping limit between trailheads unless otherwise posted.
-The US Forest Service has an undeveloped drive-in campground area at Goumaz.
-No camping is allowed at or within one mile of Hobo Camp or Devils Corral, unless authorized. Camping is prohibited along the South Side Road within the Susan River Canyon west of Hobo Camp.

Campfires require permits from the Bureau of Land Management, US Forest Service or the California Department of Forestry. Build fires in designated fire-safe areas only. Seasonal fire restrictions may apply - campfires may be prohibited at times of peak fire danger.

Bureau of Land Management
Eagle Lake Field Office
2950 Riverside Drive
Susanville, CA 96130
Phone: (530) 257-0456
Fax: (530) 257-4831
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