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Federal-Level Initiatives

Presidential Priority Initiatives

Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
GovBenefits is a partnership of many Federal Agencies with a shared vision to provide improved, personalized access to government assistance programs. This initiative was designed to improve citizen access to benefits through a one-stop web portal and provide a single entry point on the Internet that citizens can access to determine their eligibility for the universe of government benefits.
Increase benefit programs catalogued in site by 10%
EOFY 2006


Enterprise Architecture


A Prepared Workforce is a partnership of many Federal Agencies, state and local governments, with a shared vision of streamlining access to information about employment, housing, transportation, income support, health care, technology and other programs relevant to the day-to-day lives of people with disabilities.

Increase number of referrals to partner web sites by 5%

Increase number of links to employers with model recruitment practices by 33%

EOFY 2006


Enterprise Architecture


A Prepared Workforce
New Core Financial Management System (NCFMS)
This initiative is a Department-wide project to enhance the operation of DOL's current core financial management system. The DOL New Core Financial Management System (NCFMS) will bring DOL's financial management system up to the high standards set by the Department's human
resource and payroll COTS applications
Expansion of COTS capabilities and interfaces with legacy applications implemented in Phase I EOFY 2006


Enterprise Architecture


A Secure Workforce
Provide the U.S. Department of Labor with an eTravel solution that will integrate with the Federal e-Gov Presidential Priority Initiative of e-Travel. The Federal E-Travel initiative will create a common Internet web site for Federal travel services. This initiative will automate travel services across Federal Agencies and allow them to reduce processing time and costs for voucher claims.

Eliminate 99% of the need for paper reports by 2005 - view all reports online and only print if necessary EOFY 2005


Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance

A Prepared Workforce


Human Resources Line of Business


Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
Department-wide integrated human resources, personnel, payroll, time and attendance system

Prepare and generate CY05 W2s with zero avoidable errors

100% of DOL salaried employees are paid correctly and on time using NFC's automatic and manual systems

Maintain a minimum availability 98% of workdays (not counting any disruptions)

Q3/ FY 2006

Q3/ FY 2006

Q3/ FY 2006


Enterprise Architecture

Quality Workplaces
Improve the e-Recruit hiring process through the use of the DOL Online Opportunities Recruitment System (DOORS).

Date FAX Imaging system implemented in DOORS Q1/ FY 2006


Enterprise Architecture

Human Capital

A Prepared Workforce
HR Line of Business
Migrate to a Shared Service Center for HR, benefits, payroll, and time and attendance processing.

Complete transition to Shared Service Center Q3/ FY 2008


Enterprise Architecture

Human Capital

A Prepared Workforce


Cross-Cutting Initiatives


Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
Safety and Health Information System (SHIMS)
This initiative is a web-based E-Filing System responsible for the collection, submission and tracking of CA1 (Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/ Compensation) and CA2 (Notice of Occupational Disease and claim for Compensation) forms within the Department of Labor.

Timeliness of filing and processing of workers compensation claims

Decrease in lost production days

Quantity of Federal Agencies utilizing the DOL e-Filing service in FY 2005

Upgrade to new platform version 4.0 with enhanced features and host multiple Federal Agencies by FY 2006. Continuous thereafter.


Enterprise Architecture

A Prepared Workforce

A Secure Workforce

Quality Workplaces


Department-Level Initiatives



Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
Enterprise Architecture
The Department of Labor has invested significant time and resources to develop and use EA as part of its investment process. Current DOL-wide and component agency EAs contain useful and valuable EA information that provide the foundation for continued development, communication, and use of EA in the Department. The established EA Governance process utilizes the EA as the basis for decisions regarding the DOL investments and their implementation prioritization.

100% of architecture layers, EA based investments and reference models aligned to FEAPMO and other applicable guidance

50% of DOL EA initiatives are implemented



Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance


Human Capital

A Prepared Workforce

A Secure Workforce

A Competitive Workforce

Unified DOL Technology Infrastructure (UDTI)
The Unified Department of Labor (DOL) technology infrastructure is currently funded and run separately by DOL's Agencies in nine data centers. This is a multi-year program designed to dramatically improve the infrastructure through consolidation into a unified environment.

Percent of customers rating services as good to excellent in annual customer satisfaction survey

Number of security incidents
Percent downtime for DOL data networks

Baseline established in FY 2006


Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance


A Prepared Workforce

A Secure Workforce

Implement smart card pilot to establish an identification method that will credential users applying this technology for physical and logical security.
Percentage of applicable systems enabled for interoperable e-authentication 1 system by Q4/ FY 2005, 2 systems by Q4/ FY 2006, continuous thereafter

Enterprise Architecture


A Secure Workforce
Enterprise Communication Initiative (ECI)
The ECI is a centralization effort of five electronic communication channels throughout the Department: Internet, intranet, call centers, language translation and e-correspondence. This initiative centralizes Internet and intranet development, to address the current environment of Agencies supporting web services independently.
Completion of Analysis phase EOFY 2005

Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance

A Prepared Workforce
Streamline the initiation of questionnaires for investigations processing and security clearances
Date Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing System (e-QIP) implementation completed Q2/ FY 2007


Enterprise Architecture

Human Capital

A Secure Workforce
Digitize the Official Personnel File.

Complete e-OPF system implementation

Complete paper file scanning into electronic system

Q4/ FY 2006

Q2/ FY 2007


Enterprise Architecture

Human Capital

A Prepared Workforce
Streamline procurement processes, reduce program office and administrative burden, ensure reliable and accurate procurement related financial information, lower purchasing costs, increase productivity, and improve customer service.
Increase the number of eCommerce transactions/ catalog purchases by 10% FY 2007


Enterprise Architecture

A Prepared Workforce
E-Property and Inventory Initiative
Promoting common administrative and management systems to ensure compliance with Federal guidelines.
DOL Agencies record accountable personal property data in E-Property system Q1/ FY 06


Enterprise Architecture

A Prepared Workforce
Enterprise Wide Directory Services (EWDS)
Develop DOL's Department Directory Service (DDS) by tying various systems together logically utilizing a metadirectory.
All Agencies migrated to Exchange 2003 EOCY 2005


Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance

A Prepared Workforce
Departmental E-Budgeting System (DEBS)
A web-based budget formulation, publishing and reporting tool designed to improve operational efficiency and organizational performance by automating the current semi-manual budget formulation process. The predecessor to DEBS was known as EBS. This initiative will be categorized under the Budget Formulation and Execution Line of Business once it is approved and established at DOL. All future EA documentation will reflect this change.

DEBS is currently in the Planning and Requirements Definition Phase.

To improve Internal Effectiveness and Efficiency (IEE) measures by at least 10-15% as defined in the President's Management Agenda under the Expanding Electronic Government. FY 2006 - Pilot to 20% of organization

FY 2007 - Enterprise Rollout to entire organization

FY 2008 - Integration to internal and external system interfaces


Management and Governance

Human Capital

A Prepared Workforce

A Competitive Workforce

elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses)
Elaws is a cost-cutting, interactive, Web content service that enables the public-including workers and employers-to search for information pertaining to labor laws and regulations administered by DOL.
elaws achieves 99% availability rate with an increased Advisor count      


Investing in the IT Workforce


Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
IT Workforce Recruitment and Retention
Develop recruitment and retention strategies for IT workers.
Competency Based Questions (CBQs) for Occupational Series 2210 completed for recruitment through DOORS Q4/ FY 2005 Human Capital A Prepared Workforce
Project Management Competency Development
Program designed to assist IT Project Managers with obtaining the PMI Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification. The program provides the IT Project Manager with the required PMP Prep Training and funds the PMP Certification Exam Fee.
Our goal is to assist IT Project Managers obtain the PMP Certification. In FY 05 9 IT Project Managers obtained the PMP certification out of 64 participants. The program is ongoing until DOL has satisfied the OMB requirement for qualified Project managers for all IT projects. A new class is formed every quarter consisting of 16 IT Project Managers.

Human Capital A Competitive Workforce




Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
An online grants management application designed to provide all grant making Agencies with a modern, web-based system that allows them to be more efficient and customer centric in pursuing their missions.

20% reduction time in the number of days required to grant award in the Pre-Award and Award phases of the grants process.

20% reduction time to process a grant in the Post-Award and Closeout phases of the grants process.

Q3/ FY 2006


Enterprise Architecture

A Prepared Workforce

A Competitive Workforce

The e-Judication Initiative seeks to modernize current DOL legal and adjudicatory systems and business processes in order to integrate the existing processes into a fully electronic, citizen-centric, end-to-end procedure designed for the 21st Century.

C2G & G2G - Citizen Web Site access to Research Tools - Phase I: Implement new Web Portal for e-Judication

G2C & G2G Web Access to Case Status & Publishing of e-Judication documents - Phase II: Pilot COTS Tool Phase I & Pilot COTS Tool Phase II

G2C & G2G e-Service to Citizens - Phase III: COTS Production Implementation

G2C & G2G e-Filing and e-Status - Phase IV

C2G & G2GInterface with scanners and DMS - Phase V

EOFY 2005

Pilot Phase I - Q1/ FY 2006
Pilot Phase II - EOFY 2006

EOFY 2007

EOFY 2008

EOFY 2009


A Prepared Workforce

A Secure Workforce

Quality Workplaces

A Competitive Workforce

HSPD-12/FIPS-201 Implementation
DOL Implementation of HSPD-12/FIPS-201, including issuance of PKI digital certificates

Implementation Plan complete

Personal Identity Verification process operational

Begin issuing FIPS-201 compliant credentials

Q3/ FY 2005

Q4/ FY 2005

Q4/ FY 2006

Enterprise Architecture


A Secure Workforce
Mobile Workforce Automation
This initiative provides the DOL workforce - inspectors, compliance assistance specialists, frequent travelers, episodic and long-term flexi-place, workers at home or other remote locations, with tools and a standardized mobile infrastructure. This initiative provides the capability for DOL staff to collect and distribute data and information, and perform staff and management responsibilities using portable devices and a standardized telecommunications infrastructure.
Complete architecture development FY 2008


Enterprise Architecture

A Prepared Workforce

Quality Workplaces

Secretary's Information Management System (SIMS)
The Secretary's Information Management System (SIMS) is a Department-wide enterprise web-based system utilized for tracking correspondence and FOIA requests. SIMS is also used to help the agency respond to the public, congress and government in a timely fashion.

Reduce days to respond to FOIA to \ under 20 to comply with mandate

Reduce costs to process FOIA by 20% (from $15 Million) in 2007

EOFY 2006

EOFY 2007

Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance

A Prepared Workforce


Agency-Level Initiatives


Key Performance Indicators
Alignment with IT Strategic Goals
Alignment with DOL Strategic Goals
Foreign Labor Certification Systems
Enable employers to apply for alien workers for hard-to-fill job openings after verifying that there are no qualified citizens. The program is operated in coordination with the Departments of State and Homeland Security.
Application processing meets regulatory processing timeframes 99% of the time with no degradation of quality FY 2005/ 2006 e-Government A Competitive Workforce
Implement an e-Learning Management System (LMS) that provides a DOL-wide architecture for learning management and provides flexibility for course development.

Complete e-LMS pilot

Start phased implementation of e-LMS system

Q2/ FY 2007

Q3/ FY 2007


Human Capital

A Competitive Workforce
Develop and expand the use of GOTS systems and applications designed to access, manage, and report from OIG information databases.

Expand the e-OIG Information system to incorporate all remaining sub-systems and databases supporting other minor OIG functions FY 2006-2008 Management and Governance A Prepared Workforce
e-Payment (MSHA)
Enable electronic payment for the public for civil penalties assessed for violations of health and safety standards; training materials and courses; housing at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy; and the approval of certain equipment and materials for use in mining. Use, a portal and transaction engine created by the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Financial Management Service (FMS).

Phase I of commences

Percentage of MSHA transactions using

EOFY 2007 e-Government Quality Workplaces
Executive Information/Corporate Performance Management System EI/CPMS (MSHA)
The Executive Information \ Corporate Performance Management System (EI/CPMS) will gather, analyze, and integrate internal and external data into dynamic profiles of mines and key indicators to support performance monitoring and executive reporting.

Reduce average time to resolve customer/user reporting inquiries

Reduce manual report development by users

FY 2007-2009 Management and Governance Quality Workplaces
Web-based Miner Training/Distance Learning
To develop web-based training modules for delivery to miners and mine operators and also through the U.S. National Guard's Advanced Distributed Learning Network (ADLN).

Reduced expense and difficulty of obtaining training from MSHA

Reduced internal MSHA training costs

Initiative start date FY 2005. One year to implement. e-Government Quality Workplaces
Flex Options for Women
Sponsor additional demonstration project Virtual Conference Calls (VCC) that focus on audiences with specific real-life workplace flexibility issues.

Increase in the number Internet hits to WB webpage Flex-Options for Women

Increase in the number of Internet hits to the Flex-Options for Women section of our partnered website-Women Entrepreneurs, Inc. (

Expand the number of partnered websites and the overall number of WB partners

Increase the number of demonstration project How To guides placed on the WB website

VCC scheduled July 2005

Q4/ FY 2005

e-Government A Competitive Workforce
Occupational Safety and Health Information System (OIS)
The system will replace OSHA's current Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) and will add functionality for new regulatory and program areas which have been established since the original application was implemented. OIS provides OSHA with the tools to identify industries and workplaces with the most serious hazards, based upon superior analytical tools, and develop more effective methods to target worksites needing interventions.

Better identify industry sectors experiencing high rates of injuries and specific trends in occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities

Increase in the number of local and National emphasis programs that target those industries identified with high rates and new trends for inspections and other OSHA interventions

Decrease injury and illness rates for these industries measured over time

FY 2005 -2012


Enterprise Architecture

Management and Governance


Human Capital

Quality Workplaces



Phone Numbers