
Saturday, May 9, 2009 | View previous editions


With Banks Needing Less, Treasury Can Fund Other Fronts
The Obama administration still plans to spend tens of billions of dollars reviving the nation's financial system, even after the government's unexpected finding that major banks need only a little bit more direct government aid.
Changes Would Boost Detainee Rights
The Obama administration is preparing to revive the system of military commissions established at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, under new rules that would offer terrorism suspects greater legal protections, government officials said.
Employment Losses Hit 6-Month Low
The economy's decline has slowed in recent weeks, with new evidence about the job market yesterday showing that the nation is no longer in the extraordinary economic downdraft of the winter.
A top aide to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attended a CIA briefing in early 2003 in which it was made clear that waterboarding and other harsh techniques were being used in the interrogation of an alleged al-Qaeda operative, according to documents the CIA released to Congress on Thursday.
JOHANNESBURG, May 8 -- To the rarefied ranks of first ladies such as Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, South Africa will add Sizakele Khumalo.
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