
Local Opinions

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 Local Opinions  |
Colbert I. King

Another Murder Buried


Colbert I. King


| The death of a teen deserves more attention than a panda.

Marc Fisher

Food on the Metro?


Marc Fisher


| What's up with the plan for retail kiosks in stations?

John Kelly

I'm a Hacker, Too


John Kelly


| And I'm prepared to hand over information to the highest bidders.

Courtland Milloy

Tearing Families Apart


Courtland Milloy


| When it comes to ruthless incarceration, nothing compares with one federal law.


Submissions Welcome


Your Take


| Disagree with any opinions featured here? Tell us what local issues or debates are on your mind. Submit your opinion.

Quote of the Day
"I don't believe D.C. Council member Marion Barry is a bigot -- he just doesn't understand.