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Hurricane Research Division
The Atlantic Hurricane Database Re-analysis Project is an effort to extend and revise the National Hurricane Center's North Atlantic hurricane database (or HURDAT). Going back to 1851 and revisiting storms in more recent years, information on tropical cyclones is revised using an enhanced collection of historical meteorological data in the context of today's scientific understanding of hurricanes and analysis techniques.
To receive email updates about progress in the Atlantic Hurricane Re-analysis Project, send an email to Chris Landsea.

April 2009 - The 2008 hurricane season database was appended to HURDAT. This data is based upon the Tropical Cyclone Reports (TCR) written by the hurricane specialists at the National Hurricane Center/ Tropical Predition Center (NHC/TPC).

March 2009 - A complete reanalysis was conducted for the years of 1921 to 1925. All 27 tropical storms and hurricanes of the era were revised in track and intensity (with one in 1923 removed from HURDAT). 10 new tropical cyclones were added for these five years. Most significant hurricanes of this era were the 1921 Tampa Bay hurricane that struck as a Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale Category 3, the 1922 Bermuda hurricane that struck the Bermuda islands as a Category 3, and the 1924 Cuba hurricane that struck as a Category 5 (and is now the first recorded Category 5 hurricane in the database). Co-authors on the reanalyses for 1921 to 1925 are Steve Feuer, Ramon Perez Suarez, Ricardo Prieto, and Jorge Sanchez-Sesma. Special thanks also to James Belanger, Auguste Boissonnade, Emery Boose, Cristina Carrasco, Michael Chenoweth, Gil Clark, Jose Colon, Joan David, Neal Dorst, John Gamache, Daniel Gladstein, Mark Guishard, Mark Jelinek, Cary Mock, Charlie Neumann, Adrian Santiago, and the NHC Best Track Change Committee (Jack Beven - chair, Lixion Avila, Eric Blake, Hugh Cobb, Richard Pasch, and Colin McAdie [past-member]).

  1. Re-analysis results for 1851 to 1925
    1. Documentation for 1851 to 1910
    2. Documentation for 1911 to 1920
    3. Data
  2. How to submit changes to the HURDAT
  3. Hurricane Andrew's Upgrade
  4. Re-assessment of Hurricane Donna (1960) in Florida
  5. U.S. Hurricane History by State (NWS sites)
  6. HURDAT Reanalysis Related Publications
  7. Re-analysis Presentations
  8. HRD Project page on Re-analysis
  9. Publications of Chris Landsea
picture from Florida's Hurricane History
Picture from: "Florida's Hurricane History", by Jay Barnes
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