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Rocks and deposits
Solid masses that make up the earth's crust as well as accumulations of materials. Use for major rock types and unconsolidated deposits. For deposits of economic value, see related terms.
Fossils (13 items)
Igneous rocks (8 items)
Metamorphic rocks (2 items)
Sedimentary rocks (6 items)
Unconsolidated deposits (13 items)
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Results 1 - 46 of 46 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Fossils, rocks, and time [New Window]
Booklet describes how paleontologists use the identification of fossils to recognize rocks of the same or different ages.
Geology, geochemistry and geophysics of sedimentary rock-hosted Au deposits in P.R. China [New Window]
Second report of a joint project with the Tianjin Geological Academy to study sedimentary rock-hosted Au deposits in China. Links to text in PDF format with appendices in *.pdf, *.xls, *.csv, *.jpg, and *.tif formats. Also readme file of CD-ROM version.
Spectroscopy of rocks and minerals, and principles of spectroscopy [New Window]
Technical review of the principles of spectroscopy and its use in identifying minerals and other materials.
Bedrock and soil geochemistry from Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota [New Window]
Maps and text (Word or PDF format) and database (Excel or HTML format) for bedrock, forest floor, and mineral soil sampling in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota to establish the background and baseline geochemistry and terrestrial mercury sources.
Flow through unsaturated fractured rock [New Window]
Site describes studies using flow visualization and rock matrix pressure measurements to study flow through fractures in the unsaturated zone, which plays an important role in water infiltration and contaminant transport.
Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins: Chapter A - ROCK-EVAL and vitrinite reflectance [New Window]
Part A of a complex report on the results of ROCK-EVAL and vitrinite reflectance analysis of a large sample base from more than 70 wells located in three oil-rich California petroleum basins in order to study the formation of oil deposits.
usSEABED (marine sediment and rock distribution) [New Window]
Data on sediment and rock distributions in the waters off the United States, shown using an internet map service with links to downloadable data files
America's volcanic past - volcanic highlights and features [New Window]
Links to volcanism, volcanic history, volcanic rocks, and general geology by state, by region, national parks and national monuments and a brief introduction to volcanism around the U.S. entitled: Windows into the past.
An interpretation of the 1977 Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Fort Huachuca vicinity, Cochise County, Arizona [New Window]
Complex report on the interpretation of aeromagnetic data to study hydrogeology of the San Pedro basin, Cochise County, Arizona determining geologic structure, basin fill and depth to water. Online version of a CD-ROM publication.
Aquifer basics [New Window]
Links to general information on water supply by aquifers based on rock types and to principal national aquifers by name.
Asbestos: geology, mineralogy, mining, and uses [New Window]
Report on asbestos, six types of mineral fibers belonging to two mineral groups, serpentines and amphiboles,with fiber morphology, crystal structure, analytical methods, properties, mining, milling, uses, and safety factors.(PDF file,28 pp.,4.5 MB)
Atlantic margin offshore sediments: cooperative database and GIS development website [New Window]
This site is designed to provide information on federal interagency and cooperative developments related to coastal sand and gravel resources and management issues along the Atlantic continental margin.
Atlas of Antarctic research [New Window]
Entry to the Atlas of Antarctic Research giving a common base map for displaying research results, data, and descriptions of projects. Layers can be viewed or downloaded as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), digital aerial photos, and satellite images.
Bedform sedimentology [New Window]
Bedform sedimentology home page with links to information on sedimentary structures including, explanatory text, computer-generated images and movies, photographs, and bedform simulation software.
Biological resource status and trends: Contaminants in soil [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on contaminants in soil
Cross-bedding, bedforms,and paleocurrents [New Window]
The on-line version of Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Paleocurrents, with computer images, photographic images, and text.
Deserts, geology and resources [New Window]
Online edition of booklet describing desert geology and mineral resources.
Dinosaurs, fact and fiction [New Window]
Online booklet with answers to frequently asked questions about dinosaurs.
Education resources for paleontology [New Window]
Contacts and other sources of information for teachers, students, and others interested in paleontology with links to related USGS websites and on-line publications.
Geochemical sediment analysis procedures [New Window]
Manual of chemical sediment analysis using Coulometer and CHN Analyzers to measure carbon content, spectrometric analysis for biogenic silica, and radiochemistry to measure isotopes. Includes techniques,sample preparation, and safety procedures.
Geologic map of the Eagle quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado [New Window]
The Eagle quadrangle covers an area that straddles the Eagle River and Interstate 70 (I-70) and it includes the town of Eagle, Colo., which is located in the southwestern part of the quadrangle, just south of I-70 and the Eagle River, about 37 km west of
Geologic time online edition [New Window]
Booklet giving general explanations of geologic time, major divisions of geologic time, relative and radiometric time scales, index fossils, and the age of the earth.
Information on fossils and fossil collecting [New Window]
Links to general interest publications, special references, and other sources for fossil and fossil collecting information.
Laboratory manual for x-ray powder diffraction [New Window]
Report presents an abridged guide for laboratory technicians and students using X-ray powder diffraction methodology to study crystalline structure and to determine the mineralogy of finer grained sediments, especially clays.
PDF Limestone; a crucial and versatile industrial mineral commodity [New Window]
Usefulness of limestone, problems encountered in finding and exploiting suitable limestone resources
Major fossil groups [New Window]
Discusses how fossils can be grouped and studied by size, habitat type, and phylogenetic groups. Shows how fossil classification groups are used to solve geologic problems at the USGS.
Marine aggregate resources and processes [New Window]
Regional studies mapping the seafloor sedimentary character and assessing marine sand and gravel resources around the United States, to inform beach nourishment and coastal restoration, benthic habitat and sediment transport studies
Megafossils: vertebrates - technique of paleontological analyses [New Window]
Brief description of vertebrates and use of their fossil bones and footprints to aid in dating strata in biostratigraphy and to decipher past climates and recreate ancient ecosystems in paleoecology, paleoclimatology and paleobiogeography.
Mineral deposit models [New Window]
Publications by the USGS on mineral deposit models converted to digital files that can be downloaded. Some are *.pdf files requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and download text
Mollusks [New Window]
Information on mollusks and uses of the identification of fossil mollusks in the fields of biostratigraphy, geochronology, paleocoeanography, paleoecology and ecosystems history. Links to experts and related USGS projects.
Multielement geochemical dataset of surficial materials for the northern Great Basin [New Window]
This report presents geochemical data generated during mineral and environmental assessments for the Bureau of Land Management in northern Nevada, northeastern California, southeastern Oregon, and southwestern Idaho, along with metadata and maps.
Organic metamorphism in the California petroleum basins: Chapter B - Insights from extractable bitumen and saturated hydrocarbons [New Window]
Part B of a complex report on the results of geochemical analysis of 75 shale samples from the Los Angeles, Ventura, and San Joaquin Basins to gather observations relevant to exploration regarding the formation of oil deposits in these basins.
Paleontological analyses [New Window]
Links to USGS capabilities in paleontological analyses of fossils such as mollusks, diatoms, palynomorphs, ostracodes, calcareous nannofossils, etc. Includes descriptive information, technique, equipment, and contacts for each fossil group.
Paleontology at the U.S. Geological Survey [New Window]
USGS Paleontology home page documenting the wide diversity in paleontologic studies and applications within the USGS.
Paleontology selected online resources [New Window]
Selection of links to web sites dealing with paleontology and related disciplines including links to museums, academia, societies, surveys, and groups of fossils.
Photo gallery of the Long Valley area, California [New Window]
Selection of photographic images of the Long Valley area that illustrate the consequences of the past geologic history of the Sierra Nevada, Long Valley Caldera, the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, glaciation, and faulting.
Photo glossary of volcano terms [New Window]
Illustrates and describes commonly used volcano-related terms.
Potential environmental impacts of quarrying stones in karst - a literature review [New Window]
This report is the result of an extensive literature search to determine the state-of-the-knowledge regarding environmental impacts from quarrying carbonate rocks in karst formations to better use of karst resources in sustainable ways.
Potential hazards from future volcanic eruptions in the Long Valley -- Mono Lake Area, California [New Window]
An introduction to the volcano hazards in the Long Valley area based on the past geologic history of the Long Valley Caldera and the Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain.
Selected Western Region Mineral Resources on-line publications [New Window]
Links to digital publications on minerals and mineral resources research in the western United States.
Selected references on fossils and paleontology [New Window]
Bibliography of books, periodicals, fossil collecting guides, audiovisual aids, videos, filmstrips, charts, and posters which may be borrowed from libraries or purchased if still available.
South Florida Ecosystem History Project [New Window]
Project is designed to integrate studies from a number of researchers compiling data from terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems within south Florida. Links to publications, maps, posters, and data of studies.
USGS East-coast sediment analysis: analysis, procedures, database and georeferenced displays [New Window]
Grain-size analysis of marine sediments of the U.S. eastern coast with sampling and lab methods, surficial sediment database in three formats (Excel, Dbase IV, ASCII), and use of geographic mapping tools for visualizing sediment data layers.
USGS studies in the New York Bight [New Window]
Describes and provides links to USGS research in the location of the estuary and coast of Long Island, New York, to map the sea floor and to study sediment transport, contaminants, and sand resources and coastal vulnerability.
Unconsolidated aquifers of upstate New York [New Window]
Information on aquifers in upstate New York which consist of unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel that occupy major river and stream valleys or lake plains. Links to aquifer maps at scales 1:24,000 or 1:250,000 and cooperative publications.
Volcanoes [New Window]
This booklet presents a generalized summary of the nature, workings, publications, and hazards of the common types of volcanoes around the world, along with a brief introduction to the techniques of volcano monitoring and research.

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