National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior
Tallahassee, Florida
Large banner image of SEAC archeologists conducting fieldwork.
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Welcome to the Southeast Archeological Center

Featured Project:

Figure 3. White-on-Red Wares (WOR), Prosperity style, Early Saladoid. St. Georges site. A: Cat. # 2732; b: cat. # 2724; c: cat. # 2719; d: cat. # 2723. Folmer Anderson Collection, Christiansted National Historic Site.Interaction and Exchange Among Prehistoric Caribbean Societies Dr. Meredith D. Hardy (Southeast Archeological Center) conducted a two-part study on prehistoric Caribbean artifacts from both the Folmer Andersen Collection, housed at Christiansted National Historic Site (CHRI), St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, and artifacts excavated from Salt River Bay National Historic Site and Ecological Preserve (SARI).   More . . .

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What Is SEAC? The Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) supports long-term protection and use of archeological resources and information for national parks and other agencies within the southeastern United States and Caribbean. More. . .

Learn About Archeology Resources and links for students, teachers, and anyone interested in learning more about history and archeology.

History and Prehistory of the Southeast A chronological outline of prehistoric and historic periods in the southeastern United States and Caribbean.

Information for Cultural Resource Professionals Find out about the cultural resource management services and training that SEAC offers.

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